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my first post...


New Member
hi, anybody else out there have trouble getting to a support group ?...i live in nottinghamshire, and have to travel to derby to see my nhs surgeon, which i dont mind as it means that eventually i will get to my end goal, ...but mr leeder recommened that i join a support group,but there are none available to me....i was wondering if anybody else had trouble acessing support groups ?
Yes me luv, there's one at derby on the last Wednesday of every month I think bit I live in Boston so it's like a 4 hour round trip for me, would be easier if there was one in Nottingham coz then it cuts half the journey out! Good to see another patient at derby posting here..... There's not many of us xxx
I don't know of one in Nottingham but there is one in Stoke, Leicester, and Leeds. I know they are all a far way from you guys but might be worth a trip once a month.

Why don't you start up your own group meeting? get local patients and those not too far away prepared to travel to Nottingham to join in. Just a thought
I have never got to a support group. I know there is one at my hospital but I was told it was mainly bypassers and that banders often felt a little isolated so I didn't go.
thanks for that, i live near mansfield,and i use public transport, so for me to get to my appointments not a problem, because bus times are ok, but the support group doesn't start till 7 pm at night and finnish till 9 pm, so buses stop running,and like you keeley it is a marathon trek, and the only way round it would be an overnight stay in derby !!!
Well if If I decide to go I'll let you know Hun coz I go thru notts to get to derby so I could pick you up from notts on the way... Just a thought!
that would be fantastic....i would definatly be interested, i would share all costs as i know things are not cheap..if you are interested, i will try and get on the right shift, as i work in a care home and tend to do a lot of late shifts, but i have a fantastic boss, and a good team of work mates behind me, so it wouldn't be a problem....once again thank you.xx
Good luck Deb on your wls journey... love and hugs Angel xxx