Not really my first weigh in, but my official weigh in. went to Boots this morning and stood proudly on the scales. 8lb off is great.

I just hope its the start of me becoming a big loser... lol.
I will get weighed every saturday and keep u posted.
starting on mushies tomorrow and getting nervous. I tried a piece of chicken the other day, and the pain was wild. I thot i had swallowed a brick. it was quite sore. does that mean that chicken is off my menu? i tried a piece of toast today and it went down fine, however i want to stay away from bread, its my number 1 enemy. I have weetabix for tomorows breakfast and will have my sunday dinner all mushed up. I intend to eat the vegetables and meat first. Then I wont need too many potatoes as I will be feeling full (hopefully).
My wounds are healing quite well and I get my stitches out on Monday. Havent had any pain relief in 24 hours which is a result! 7 days ago I was a in a lot of discomfort, i am looking forward to my new life....:flirt2:
starting on mushies tomorrow and getting nervous. I tried a piece of chicken the other day, and the pain was wild. I thot i had swallowed a brick. it was quite sore. does that mean that chicken is off my menu? i tried a piece of toast today and it went down fine, however i want to stay away from bread, its my number 1 enemy. I have weetabix for tomorows breakfast and will have my sunday dinner all mushed up. I intend to eat the vegetables and meat first. Then I wont need too many potatoes as I will be feeling full (hopefully).
My wounds are healing quite well and I get my stitches out on Monday. Havent had any pain relief in 24 hours which is a result! 7 days ago I was a in a lot of discomfort, i am looking forward to my new life....:flirt2: