Proud grandmother of 7
For those of you who knew I was having surgery on my hand last week. I have been informed that the ligament were too badly damaged to repair with the telescope and now I need further more invasive surgery to repair my wrist in the next few weeks and I am not sure I can bare it!!!! Have to wait for the soft tissue in my wrist to settle down from last weeks surgery first and have a chat with the orthopaedic surgeon looking after me. To say I was upset is an understatement, I have to think long and hard and decide if more surgery is what I want. I think waiting to see what the consultant has to say is a good idea and then I can weigh up all my options before I decide. I was so looking forward to being able to get back to normal like bike riding and swimming. I know its only a little set back but it is so upsetting for me because I cant bare to lift anything heavier than a bag of suger without pain now. Before surgery it was comfy :'( xx