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My hand surgery


Proud grandmother of 7
For those of you who knew I was having surgery on my hand last week. I have been informed that the ligament were too badly damaged to repair with the telescope and now I need further more invasive surgery to repair my wrist in the next few weeks and I am not sure I can bare it!!!! Have to wait for the soft tissue in my wrist to settle down from last weeks surgery first and have a chat with the orthopaedic surgeon looking after me. To say I was upset is an understatement, I have to think long and hard and decide if more surgery is what I want. I think waiting to see what the consultant has to say is a good idea and then I can weigh up all my options before I decide. I was so looking forward to being able to get back to normal like bike riding and swimming. I know its only a little set back but it is so upsetting for me because I cant bare to lift anything heavier than a bag of suger without pain now. Before surgery it was comfy :'( xx
Awww Joan, that is sad :( What is wrong with your hand? It should get less painful as it settles & then you can decide what you want to do re more surgery. It is bound to seem daunting at the minute whilst it is so sore. Hugs to you & hope you feel better soon :):wave_cry::)

Thanks for those kind words they mean a lot. I fell on my outstretched hands last June and though I had been in a cast for 3 weeks then umpteen xrays, an MRI scan and this April a CT scan. The CT scan showed damage to the ligaments in my left wrist. My surgery was shedduled for 27th July but I was offered my bypass for the 9th and thought that was more important. What upset me is that the consultant like me, didnt think the damage was so bad that it needed anything other than a quick repair. How wrong we were and at the time of giving written consent there was no consent given by me to do a more invasive repair in the event that the repair could not be done using the arthroscope. It also scared me that the consultant had said that I would not remember being given that news in recovery. He was so right, I dont remember and the letter I got yesterday was a shock to say the least. :( :'(
O dear you poor thing. HUGS.xx
That's not good, Joan. What a saga. Who would have thought that this would be more trouble than your bypass :( Chin up & just take it a day at a time until you see your surgeon & make a decision then. :grouphugg::grouphugg:
Oh Joan , thats such a shame that the op didn't go well for you, I know you were really looking forward to getting all over and done with.

Try to take it easy and when it's less swollen hopefully they will be able to sort it out and you'll be to get on with your new life.

Take care of yourself, sending you big hugs and best wishes
Hi all,

Went to hospital yesterday to discuss my opions for further hand surgery and was advises that I need to have ligament reconstruction graft surgery which is a 2 and a half hour op. Looking at Nov but could get a cancellation. If I don't have op and just leave my wrist the way it is, I have been advised that bones in my wrist will collapse in time because the bones need the ligament support. Not good news but neither prognosis is good. :( was nearly in tears and still feel weepy now just thinking about another major surgery. I have decided to go with the recommendation and hope that it works this time. A 75%chance are good odds and though not looking forward to the surgery I am looking forward to being able to have a normal life to go with the new me. :D XX
I really feel for you as I know how debilitating it is to have weakness in this area. I do hope you get a satisfactory result soon and hopefully a cancellation. Its really hard to do anything when you have tendon problems in the wrists or anywhere that affects your hands. Sometimes I find it impossible to lift a knife and fork and use them, can't do my own bra up sometimes and it really hurts to pull knickers up and down to go to the toilet!!!!! and I find it very hard to lift a kettle or a pan from the stove, a full cup of tea is sometimes hard to hold too. If I go in the garden or push my dad in his wheelchair It can take weeks for my tendons to recover.
Fortunately I am having tests on 20th of this month to see what I need to have done.
Just explaining so that you know I can truly emphasise with you and know how hard it is for you.
Do you have to wear a wrist brace?
Lynne x
Hi Lynne,

Thank you for your kinds words and it is good to know that someone else empathises with this kind of pain. I have fallen on my hands many time when my ankles have gave way in the past and because the torn ligaments in my Knees and Ankles were pretty bad the pain in my wrist was never really an issue. Sadly all the current problems with my left wrist is a culmination from past injuries that I was a was never aware of till now. :(

I was measured for a wrist brace and it feels comfy at present (thank god) and will only take it off at bed time so that my daily routine and past times dont cause any more damage to the ligaments. The registrar told me I will be having a Brunelli procedure and looking it up on the internet it looks quite invasive with a long recovery time. Not a problem persei but am not looking forward to it. I can put up with the pain if at the end of it I can be virtually pain free and able to get on with my life and thats what I look forward to. I hope you get somthing sorted soon. Have you been sent for a CT scan. Apperently thats the only was they can see where and how much damage there is. xx
Oh Joan I am so sorry to hear of your ligament/tendon problems. I too am a sufferer in that area with pain, tingling, numbness and the inability to grip anything properly and lifting pans and kettles etc is a nightmare. I pick something up and it falls and breaks which is so frustrating. I cannot sleep at night if I forget to wear my wrist braces as the pain wakes me up constantly. Mine is through diabetic neuropathy and not injury so is different but I can totally empathise with the difficulties you are having. Using a computer mouse for any length of time is a nightmare.

I hope you will get good results from your surgery, if it is a success it should make a huge difference to your life. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that they manage to sort it all out for you quickly :wave_cry: