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My pre op assesment


Runs Srh Support Group
My pre Op Assesment went really well today, had all the usual tests ect and forms to fill in, i have been given a MRSA treatment to use 7 days before the op because i have had it previously, i have regained 1st, so that isnt as bad as what id thought it would be and its also not a problem as im a existing patient with complications, my bmi is currently 36.1, which i was suprised at as it thought it would of been higher, so next Tuesday i start the lovely milk diet....happy days ;)

Liz xxx
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The milk diet as you say in mingin :D But, the good thing about it is......it means you are days away from surgery :D Good luck hun, pleased the pre op went well XX
I'm so pleased for you honey. Not long to go now! wooohoooo!
good luck Liz, so milky coffe for you at the meeting next thursday.

been tryign to find the post about the dogs in december if you find it can you boost it again so i can check the date

good luck Liz, so milky coffe for you at the meeting next thursday.

:D yeah yum yum lol :eek:

been tryign to find the post about the dogs in december if you find it can you boost it again so i can check the date


the dogs is Saturday Dec 4th, its £10 a person, im going to be getting names and payments in at the next meeting as i want to get it booked as the offer is a subject to availability thing and it would be nice to get it sorted before my op if possible xxx
Bet you can't wait for the milk diet lol! Seriously so glad you got on well and your big or should i say small day lol is only a short time away you must be getting really excited now. Aw wish i was nearer i would come to the dogs hubby used to race them up here x

thanks Allie, it would of been lovely to have a night out with you and your hubby....maybe 1 day eh :)
Good luck to you and the milk diet.
All the Best

All the Best for your forthcoming surgery Liz, I had my surgery on tuesday, and actually feel really good. I knew that I could'nt stomach the milk diet for 10 days so opted for the second diet they sent, I think I now look part chicken.:D
All the Best for your forthcoming surgery Liz, I had my surgery on tuesday, and actually feel really good. I knew that I could'nt stomach the milk diet for 10 days so opted for the second diet they sent, I think I now look part chicken.:D

thanks Joanna, ive had me instructions from Maureen that ive got to do the milk diet as she says the food option is for the diabetics oops lol:confused: oh well i shall try n folow me orders the best that i can x