I wrote on Slimmerkays thread last week about stomach pain as we both seemed to have the same symptoms.
Well this was not to be the case as I had to have an emergency appendectomy, endured a ruptured ovarian cyst and a had a hernia under my belly button !!
Dear god i hear you say, but I have never been one to do things by half !! Had a strange experience though as went to A&E and was in hospital overnight before the 'emergency op' due to the bypass, honestly it was like an alien has landed with everyone from junior doctors, registras and consults coming to poke and prod me (oh err)
. I had two CT scans so a range of medical folk could have a look and was told I may need to be transferred to Leeds to the 'bariatric people'.
Honestly though I had really good care and no one was patronising about my surgery and were grateful i wasn't still as big I think !! (at least when transferring me from bed to bed when unconcious ! ) LOL
Am sore and only lost a pound due to fluid retension but happy and recovering.
Just remember guys we still get other 'regular' ailments as well, dont let medical people get caught up in your bypass and not see the other problems you may have Xx
Well this was not to be the case as I had to have an emergency appendectomy, endured a ruptured ovarian cyst and a had a hernia under my belly button !!
Dear god i hear you say, but I have never been one to do things by half !! Had a strange experience though as went to A&E and was in hospital overnight before the 'emergency op' due to the bypass, honestly it was like an alien has landed with everyone from junior doctors, registras and consults coming to poke and prod me (oh err)
Honestly though I had really good care and no one was patronising about my surgery and were grateful i wasn't still as big I think !! (at least when transferring me from bed to bed when unconcious ! ) LOL
Am sore and only lost a pound due to fluid retension but happy and recovering.
Just remember guys we still get other 'regular' ailments as well, dont let medical people get caught up in your bypass and not see the other problems you may have Xx