New Member
The story so far.......
I went to my GP in august 2010 and said I would like a gastric band, it wasn’t a quick decision id been thinking about it since the previous year, discussed it with mum and she agreed if it was what I really wanted. He said he could refer me for NHS funding – but that I may not be successful as he had only had one previous patient that had been accepted, and warned me it was a very long process, first I would need to see a dietician and a psychotherapist and then once I had done that go back and he would put my referral through. So of I went and waited for my appointments to come through, I went to various appointments and continued on with my life so to speak – not that I have much of a life! Once the appointments ended I went back to him mid 2011 I believe and he sent through my funding application. I then had to wait some this time I met some one and just continued through life. A few weeks before march 13th 2012 id been giving it some thought and decided to call my local pct and chase up my funding, so march 13th I called them and he said id be getting a letter soon to tell me my funding was successful! I cried on the phone to him – poor sod ! He said he will send me out a letter confirming this
My next step was to take letter back to my GP and choose a hospital from the list he had.
After careful consideration I picked St Richards in Chichester. I then had to take away a questionnaire and 5 day food diary completed it took it back to GP and he said he would send it off with all other paper work and then I had to wait for a reply from the hospital team. Couple of weeks past I hadn’t heard nothing so I called the bariatric team in Chichester, they hadn’t received my bits, lots of chasing up with doctor and 3 weeks later, still nothing so I went back to GP on the Friday and got more paperwork, I filled it out went to the post office and sent it my self! By Tuesday I called the hospital again and BOTH letters had turned up that morning! :/ weird! But hey least it was in right – so now I had to.....wait....... again !
Kept harassing the postman in the run up to our holiday we went June 11th nope still no letter before we went, so I said if still nothing when I get back im going to call them, got bk on the 18th and there was a letter dated 15th offering me my first appointment for august 31st soon as I saw it I cried my eyes out, partly excitement, partly relief and even upset cos it felt so long away, but I started a countdown on my phone- 75 days to go ! Back to the waiting......
30th august 2012 I didn’t sleep much at all, woke up at 4.50am ! picked mum up at 6.30 and we was on our way. Got to the loxwood centre booked in and sat in the wide chairs, which really amused mummy, I can sit on it and my legs dangle she said, and she had enough room for her handbag next to her as well
no room next to me for a bag eh....
first got called in by the specialist nurse she told me not to be nervous, and who explained about my preferred procedure, asked general health questions, & stuff like do I heal well, can I walk 300 meters unaided, wasn’t in the room long & went back to the 'giant chair' whispering across the waiting room to mum what she had said! Next was called by little short lady (dietician) we spoke about food history and weight gains. Then back to the chair, next room the psychotherapist, was in this room quite a while ha-ha spoke about past, growing up, family relationships, setting up post op help if needed, and she said iv come a long way and I seem positive for the future.
Back to the waiting room
Next called in by the physician who checked my blood pressure, (bit high) spoke about pcos, checked hair growth symptoms etc and family history.
Back to the waiting room ha-ha!
Called in by anaesthetist first thing I said was I seen you on the tele, ha-ha he was quite amused, he said he don’t watch himself. We had a little chat then 12pm it was back to the secretary she told me to go of for lunch and check back at 2pm. So off we went, went for lunch and before I knew it was back in the giant chair ha-ha
waited for about 20 minutes and Mr guy slater come and called me in, I took mum in the room, furthest along the corridor, he then told me he would do the gastric bypass, im not sure it completely sunk in straight away I just smiled – a lot, mum almost cried! He spoke for a while telling me about the procedure etc. and I got a chance to ask my questions he told me id be looking at 3 months time and give me an interesting booklet.
Guess what back into the waiting room
Had to now wait around 30 minutes to see the dietician again and speak about nutrition and pre op diet etc.
We could then go home!!! What a day we got into the car at 3pm! A very hectic, crazy, action packed info filled day! Knackered...but happy !!
Back home and back to the waiting game....admit I did call the loxwood centre a couple of times he-he and relationship broke down and we split up, its been a weird few months but I do feel stronger for it, although just lately the closer it gets to the op the more iv been feeling very hurt and alone with out her! But that will get better, iv made some fantastic friends, and met some amazing people I love you all dearly!
45 days after I went for my first appointment on the 15th October 2012 I got a call from the bariatric team....offering me a date, it was about 10am I think, I wasn’t dressed and I definitely wasn’t expecting the call....pre op 24th October, milk diet 29th October and bypass on the 13th November! Wow I cried, I screamed, I said OMG, I danced, I sung, I laughed! No one will ever make me feel that same way ever again!
I told my mum, I think she did all of the above to
we then met up a couple of hours later and did all of the above together ha-ha oh as well as shop for pre op diet vitamins
off course.
Sooo new countdown for my phone....9 days until my pre op, that come round quickly. Me mum dad and baby Benson the new puppy set of about 8.30am on Wednesday 24th October for my pre op, I was sooo scared, not sure why, just want this more than I could ever put down here in words.....unless you are going through it you will never understand. We got there and I recognised a few faces, from august. Got weighed, 2kg down since august
yaaaay! Went in and had a quick chat with Amelia, filled out a questionnaire. I then had to see nurse, and have a swab up my nose....tickled ha-ha! Got my bits for a blood test got a bit lost round the hospital, got there in the end though-got called in and explained im hard to get blood from....tried once-nothing, twice-nothing that one just hurt a lot and left a nasty bruise, third time nothing was happening then it shot out! The nurse said she is booking the day of when im in for operation! Ha-ha! Good you bruised me – stay away! 3rd time lucky, back down the corridor and a chat with Lisa, the nurse with a great name ha-ha a run through of what would happen on op day and within 2 hours was all done and ready to go.
Its now 20.40 on 28th October 2012 and there are 4 bottles of milk in the fridge and some yummy jelly and not much else in the kitchen ha-ha ! Tomorrow is day one of the milk 'liver shrinkage' diet!
Day 1 – Woke up feeling determined, kept busy, saw mum and Benson....took my vitamin, drunk 4 pints of milk, plus other fluids, made cuppa tea. Spread the jelly out over the course of the day, finished it about 7.30pm! Had 1 piece of gum all day. Only thing I struggled with was the bovril....had a bit and then it started to make me heave ha-ha ooops :/ Felt hunger a few times but nothing major, I wee'd about 12 times usually I go 1-3 times a day....went to sleep about 11 I think.
Day 2 Woke up bit of a sore throat, first thing I did, was poured a glass of milk! (after another wee off course)
staying focused, keeping that end goal in sight!! 11.30am feeling hungry, think its time for more milk!
felt so hungry today, much more than day 1 but I still did it ! GO ME see a very good friend in the evening, was nice to have company
finished all my jelly and drunk lots of tea!
Day 3 Well the first things I do when I get up is wee, milk, vitamin ha-ha so that’s it today so far. Kept busy, saw my friend sorted my surgery folder out a bit. Felt hungry few times, not sure if it was real or in the mind...buuuut I didn’t give in and done day 3 wooohoo
Day 4 Well its the 1st November so 11 days until we set off for Chichester and 12 days until the big day! Wish it was tomorrow, I want to be slim, and I want to be slim now he he
Off to support group tonight around 7pm at the pub at hop farm, looking forward to seeing everyone, but its going to be so hard with all that food in reach :/ Ahh well I must stay strong I know in my heart I CAN do this, I have to think back to all the things I have achieved, or overcome in my past, this is a piece of cake (mmmm cake haha) compared!
Day 4 involves seeing a fellow wls friend for tea
then hopefully get to see my mum and 2 nephews for an hour or 2, but first its milk and vitamin time ha ha
mmmm. Had a crazy hectic day with the nephews, plenty of playing had lots of fun, they even ate chocolate and I didn’t jump em haha I wobbled my jelly and made em laugh
I found crusha eventually and made a lovely milkshake
got ready and was time to go to the support group, walked in and it was curry night! Chicken kormaaa
haha I had a nice time as usual, so nice to chat with people with no judging and get advice . Few people ate food there to, all that yummy food in arms reach I sat with my water and cups of tea. I didn’t even look at the food that much really, and didn’t have any I must eat now urges but the smell was immense! Buuuuut a few hours later we left, I had done it!! yaay
Day 5 Walked to shop for more milk and couldn’t resist going into the doctors for a cheeky weigh in, down 4kg!! around 8lb
wooo struggled with the jelly today texture getting a bit samey, but no major issues. Thinking the weekend (day 6+7) are going to be fairly tough as don’t have a lot to do. But will just have to stay focused and upbeat
Day 6 I really struggled, with energy It was ZERO! Few light-headed episodes as well didn’t get dressed all day, and had an early night.
Day 7 Woke up a bit more refreshed than day 6, did some housework, but not a great deal else.
Day 8 And start of a new week, up early and went to town to get a few bits, plus milk supplies haha! Was surrounded by food everywhere aghh man ! That was pretty tough but I just kept my eyes focused in front of me got my bits and got out quick haha! Now back home, not really a lot to do this afternoon, may sort my surgery folder out. I’m finding the milk OK, actually quite enjoying it, the jelly texture is getting a bit much though.
Day 9 Mum and dad come to fit my shower ready for after op! The milk is just like the norm now haha although iv been right of the jelly...good day in general really nice chat with the ladies on the forum in the evening!
Day 10 been very very tired today and few niggly belly pains and feeling sick, lots of milk, no jelly! More and more nerves creeping in now! Actually really enjoying the milk and its helping my nails grow again! Bonus haha
Day 11 Actually these 2 weeks have gone pretty quick, tough at times but im very nearly done! Milks just become the norm now haha! Great evening with my good friend
still very tired and feeling sick.
Day 12 Had a cheeky weigh in 2kg down so not as much as last week but that’s about 13.8lb in nearly 2 weeks!
and few days left yet! Went to the lion hotel/pub with a friend, a nice pleasant day, although I give up the pepsi a coupla months ago I fancied one in the pub so I ordered a diet pepsi, it didn’t taste to bad but not actually what I remembered :/ and it made me feel really sick and a pain in my stomach....maybe my body is getting ready....possibly cos I haven’t drunk it in a while or possibly something to do with the milk/no food?!? mystery but its put me off a bit more now haha! Sorting my washing and more of hospital bag and then just chilling for the rest of the day I think, nice hot bath, Went to bed with hot water bottle on my belly
cant believe tomorrow is day 13 !! sooo close now!
Day 13 Didn’t do much all day felt bit poorly , just finished packing and see Diane for couple of hours in the evening, she give me a hug and wished me luck and I went to bed pretty early with me hot water bottle!
Day 14 Woke up feeling really unwell, mum and Joshua arrived about 10-11 and I was really struggling with the milk etc., I thought it was just nerves, but by midday I was back in bed, couldn’t keep nothing down, and by 1.30 I called NHS Direct explained my symptoms etc. and kept getting told id get called back etc. Eventually got given an appointment at Rochester healthy living centre at 4.45pm by 3.30pm id actually been sick (green)!! the pains in my belly were becoming stronger and more uncontrollable. Karla and me went over to health centre and see a doctor who said I had gastritis, and gave me lamaprazole and anti sickness, we collected them from the pharmacy and I took some of the pills before we set of home, but after driving for about 10-15 minutes karla had to pull over so I could be sick on the side of the road! GREEN AND LOTS OF IT! The pain hurt so much and now id just sicked up the anti sick pills, great! We drove back via mums and every minute the pain just got worse, and I was sick again! Karla called me-doc back and was getting no help at all! After being sick once more, and rolling around in pain we went to Maidstone hospital, within 10 minutes of being in a&e I was being seen.
It hurt so bad, I begged them to make it stop.
I got put in a bed and it took 3 or 4 attempts to fit a cannula in and give me some morphine, after that I was a lot lot calmer haha and the pain eased to manageable level, the doctor said I could possibly have gallstones. I got moved over to pembury hospital via ambulance, and eventually got moved on to the short stay ward, I was completely out of it, the next 36-48 hours passed in a blur, I went for x rays and a ultrasound which showed I had a 26mm gallstone trapped in the neck of my gallbladder which was also infected. Least I now had a diagnosis, my dad called St Richards, my bypass was cancelled, I was so upset, few tears but I was so out of it I couldn’t even cry properly! Got moved up to a ward in my own private room, the pain relief was helping a great deal. My temperature spiked and my oxygen levels dropped so I had a oxygen thing in my nose, and was given a dose of extra strong antibiotics via iv and after that everything started to come back to normal, I felt a lot better than few nights before, although still very poorly and very tender. My blood test results came back that my white blood cell count was still high, but they were happy to send me home under close watch with lots of pills etc., so on the Thursday night I came home. Slowly getting my bearings back and trying to resume as normal, mum stayed for couple of nights to help me bless her! Got to around Monday and the sick feeling has returned, Tuesday I was a little bit sick, I need to just keep an eye on it I guess. Feeling very tired after doing things, I guess its my body healing....have to go to doctors on the 28th for a blood test so I can check my cell level, hopefully the infection has gone and its returned to normal!! then I can get GP to write to St Richards and tell them my antibiotics have finished and that soon il be ready for op. I’m thinking its going to be in the new year now, will have to wait and see.
Well what a couple of months its been, I finally had a normal blood test result i.e. white blood cells and the GP wrote to St Richards, and I was told to wait for a new date, I got a call on the 15th January offering me the 19th February for my bypass and gallbladder removal
I don’t need to attend a pre op appointment as my results still in date, I just had to go to GP for a swab to check for mrsa, which I did on the Thursday. And the dietician called Thursday morning to discuss what pre op diet I should do , she would like me to go ahead with the milk diet and if I get any discomfort in the first couple of days im to call and we can change to the low carb. So im due to start that on the 5th of February. Very anxious and nervous.
Well that’s come round quick its now the 4th February and the milk is in the fridge ready for tomorrow.
Feeling so many different emotions right now, happy, anxious, nervous, excitement....will write after my first day-hopefully be no problems!
I went to my GP in august 2010 and said I would like a gastric band, it wasn’t a quick decision id been thinking about it since the previous year, discussed it with mum and she agreed if it was what I really wanted. He said he could refer me for NHS funding – but that I may not be successful as he had only had one previous patient that had been accepted, and warned me it was a very long process, first I would need to see a dietician and a psychotherapist and then once I had done that go back and he would put my referral through. So of I went and waited for my appointments to come through, I went to various appointments and continued on with my life so to speak – not that I have much of a life! Once the appointments ended I went back to him mid 2011 I believe and he sent through my funding application. I then had to wait some this time I met some one and just continued through life. A few weeks before march 13th 2012 id been giving it some thought and decided to call my local pct and chase up my funding, so march 13th I called them and he said id be getting a letter soon to tell me my funding was successful! I cried on the phone to him – poor sod ! He said he will send me out a letter confirming this
My next step was to take letter back to my GP and choose a hospital from the list he had.
After careful consideration I picked St Richards in Chichester. I then had to take away a questionnaire and 5 day food diary completed it took it back to GP and he said he would send it off with all other paper work and then I had to wait for a reply from the hospital team. Couple of weeks past I hadn’t heard nothing so I called the bariatric team in Chichester, they hadn’t received my bits, lots of chasing up with doctor and 3 weeks later, still nothing so I went back to GP on the Friday and got more paperwork, I filled it out went to the post office and sent it my self! By Tuesday I called the hospital again and BOTH letters had turned up that morning! :/ weird! But hey least it was in right – so now I had to.....wait....... again !
Kept harassing the postman in the run up to our holiday we went June 11th nope still no letter before we went, so I said if still nothing when I get back im going to call them, got bk on the 18th and there was a letter dated 15th offering me my first appointment for august 31st soon as I saw it I cried my eyes out, partly excitement, partly relief and even upset cos it felt so long away, but I started a countdown on my phone- 75 days to go ! Back to the waiting......
30th august 2012 I didn’t sleep much at all, woke up at 4.50am ! picked mum up at 6.30 and we was on our way. Got to the loxwood centre booked in and sat in the wide chairs, which really amused mummy, I can sit on it and my legs dangle she said, and she had enough room for her handbag next to her as well
first got called in by the specialist nurse she told me not to be nervous, and who explained about my preferred procedure, asked general health questions, & stuff like do I heal well, can I walk 300 meters unaided, wasn’t in the room long & went back to the 'giant chair' whispering across the waiting room to mum what she had said! Next was called by little short lady (dietician) we spoke about food history and weight gains. Then back to the chair, next room the psychotherapist, was in this room quite a while ha-ha spoke about past, growing up, family relationships, setting up post op help if needed, and she said iv come a long way and I seem positive for the future.
Back to the waiting room
Next called in by the physician who checked my blood pressure, (bit high) spoke about pcos, checked hair growth symptoms etc and family history.
Back to the waiting room ha-ha!
Called in by anaesthetist first thing I said was I seen you on the tele, ha-ha he was quite amused, he said he don’t watch himself. We had a little chat then 12pm it was back to the secretary she told me to go of for lunch and check back at 2pm. So off we went, went for lunch and before I knew it was back in the giant chair ha-ha
Guess what back into the waiting room
Had to now wait around 30 minutes to see the dietician again and speak about nutrition and pre op diet etc.
We could then go home!!! What a day we got into the car at 3pm! A very hectic, crazy, action packed info filled day! Knackered...but happy !!
Back home and back to the waiting game....admit I did call the loxwood centre a couple of times he-he and relationship broke down and we split up, its been a weird few months but I do feel stronger for it, although just lately the closer it gets to the op the more iv been feeling very hurt and alone with out her! But that will get better, iv made some fantastic friends, and met some amazing people I love you all dearly!
45 days after I went for my first appointment on the 15th October 2012 I got a call from the bariatric team....offering me a date, it was about 10am I think, I wasn’t dressed and I definitely wasn’t expecting the call....pre op 24th October, milk diet 29th October and bypass on the 13th November! Wow I cried, I screamed, I said OMG, I danced, I sung, I laughed! No one will ever make me feel that same way ever again!
I told my mum, I think she did all of the above to
Sooo new countdown for my phone....9 days until my pre op, that come round quickly. Me mum dad and baby Benson the new puppy set of about 8.30am on Wednesday 24th October for my pre op, I was sooo scared, not sure why, just want this more than I could ever put down here in words.....unless you are going through it you will never understand. We got there and I recognised a few faces, from august. Got weighed, 2kg down since august
Its now 20.40 on 28th October 2012 and there are 4 bottles of milk in the fridge and some yummy jelly and not much else in the kitchen ha-ha ! Tomorrow is day one of the milk 'liver shrinkage' diet!
Day 1 – Woke up feeling determined, kept busy, saw mum and Benson....took my vitamin, drunk 4 pints of milk, plus other fluids, made cuppa tea. Spread the jelly out over the course of the day, finished it about 7.30pm! Had 1 piece of gum all day. Only thing I struggled with was the bovril....had a bit and then it started to make me heave ha-ha ooops :/ Felt hunger a few times but nothing major, I wee'd about 12 times usually I go 1-3 times a day....went to sleep about 11 I think.
Day 2 Woke up bit of a sore throat, first thing I did, was poured a glass of milk! (after another wee off course)
Day 3 Well the first things I do when I get up is wee, milk, vitamin ha-ha so that’s it today so far. Kept busy, saw my friend sorted my surgery folder out a bit. Felt hungry few times, not sure if it was real or in the mind...buuuut I didn’t give in and done day 3 wooohoo
Day 4 Well its the 1st November so 11 days until we set off for Chichester and 12 days until the big day! Wish it was tomorrow, I want to be slim, and I want to be slim now he he
Day 4 involves seeing a fellow wls friend for tea
Day 5 Walked to shop for more milk and couldn’t resist going into the doctors for a cheeky weigh in, down 4kg!! around 8lb
Day 6 I really struggled, with energy It was ZERO! Few light-headed episodes as well didn’t get dressed all day, and had an early night.
Day 7 Woke up a bit more refreshed than day 6, did some housework, but not a great deal else.
Day 8 And start of a new week, up early and went to town to get a few bits, plus milk supplies haha! Was surrounded by food everywhere aghh man ! That was pretty tough but I just kept my eyes focused in front of me got my bits and got out quick haha! Now back home, not really a lot to do this afternoon, may sort my surgery folder out. I’m finding the milk OK, actually quite enjoying it, the jelly texture is getting a bit much though.
Day 9 Mum and dad come to fit my shower ready for after op! The milk is just like the norm now haha although iv been right of the jelly...good day in general really nice chat with the ladies on the forum in the evening!
Day 10 been very very tired today and few niggly belly pains and feeling sick, lots of milk, no jelly! More and more nerves creeping in now! Actually really enjoying the milk and its helping my nails grow again! Bonus haha
Day 11 Actually these 2 weeks have gone pretty quick, tough at times but im very nearly done! Milks just become the norm now haha! Great evening with my good friend
Day 12 Had a cheeky weigh in 2kg down so not as much as last week but that’s about 13.8lb in nearly 2 weeks!
Day 13 Didn’t do much all day felt bit poorly , just finished packing and see Diane for couple of hours in the evening, she give me a hug and wished me luck and I went to bed pretty early with me hot water bottle!
Day 14 Woke up feeling really unwell, mum and Joshua arrived about 10-11 and I was really struggling with the milk etc., I thought it was just nerves, but by midday I was back in bed, couldn’t keep nothing down, and by 1.30 I called NHS Direct explained my symptoms etc. and kept getting told id get called back etc. Eventually got given an appointment at Rochester healthy living centre at 4.45pm by 3.30pm id actually been sick (green)!! the pains in my belly were becoming stronger and more uncontrollable. Karla and me went over to health centre and see a doctor who said I had gastritis, and gave me lamaprazole and anti sickness, we collected them from the pharmacy and I took some of the pills before we set of home, but after driving for about 10-15 minutes karla had to pull over so I could be sick on the side of the road! GREEN AND LOTS OF IT! The pain hurt so much and now id just sicked up the anti sick pills, great! We drove back via mums and every minute the pain just got worse, and I was sick again! Karla called me-doc back and was getting no help at all! After being sick once more, and rolling around in pain we went to Maidstone hospital, within 10 minutes of being in a&e I was being seen.
It hurt so bad, I begged them to make it stop.
I got put in a bed and it took 3 or 4 attempts to fit a cannula in and give me some morphine, after that I was a lot lot calmer haha and the pain eased to manageable level, the doctor said I could possibly have gallstones. I got moved over to pembury hospital via ambulance, and eventually got moved on to the short stay ward, I was completely out of it, the next 36-48 hours passed in a blur, I went for x rays and a ultrasound which showed I had a 26mm gallstone trapped in the neck of my gallbladder which was also infected. Least I now had a diagnosis, my dad called St Richards, my bypass was cancelled, I was so upset, few tears but I was so out of it I couldn’t even cry properly! Got moved up to a ward in my own private room, the pain relief was helping a great deal. My temperature spiked and my oxygen levels dropped so I had a oxygen thing in my nose, and was given a dose of extra strong antibiotics via iv and after that everything started to come back to normal, I felt a lot better than few nights before, although still very poorly and very tender. My blood test results came back that my white blood cell count was still high, but they were happy to send me home under close watch with lots of pills etc., so on the Thursday night I came home. Slowly getting my bearings back and trying to resume as normal, mum stayed for couple of nights to help me bless her! Got to around Monday and the sick feeling has returned, Tuesday I was a little bit sick, I need to just keep an eye on it I guess. Feeling very tired after doing things, I guess its my body healing....have to go to doctors on the 28th for a blood test so I can check my cell level, hopefully the infection has gone and its returned to normal!! then I can get GP to write to St Richards and tell them my antibiotics have finished and that soon il be ready for op. I’m thinking its going to be in the new year now, will have to wait and see.
Well what a couple of months its been, I finally had a normal blood test result i.e. white blood cells and the GP wrote to St Richards, and I was told to wait for a new date, I got a call on the 15th January offering me the 19th February for my bypass and gallbladder removal
Well that’s come round quick its now the 4th February and the milk is in the fridge ready for tomorrow.
Feeling so many different emotions right now, happy, anxious, nervous, excitement....will write after my first day-hopefully be no problems!