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my target is it possible ?


Runs Srh Support Group
Right Hello my friends as you all know im awaiting my band removal to be converted to a bypass, this will be done in the 1st week of September at the latest, after my 18 week wait same as others on the same list, do you bypassers think its unrealistic for me to set myself a target of 3st that ive regained between sept and dec, as i wanna go back in to 2011 the way i left it when my band was damaged am i being unrealistic ?

thanks ....Liz x
Hi Liz

They usually say the less you have to loose the slower it comes off. But, saying that on the day of my op I weighed in at 16st 9lbs, today is exactly 4 months since my op & I weigh 12st 12lbs so I'm 3lbs away from 4stones in 4 months, which I feel is pretty bloody awesome!

I've never had big losses except whilst on the pre-op diet & the 1st 2 wks after the bypass, since then I have lost 2-3lbs each week.

So I think you could really loose the weight you want in time.
I think it might be possible. You already are in the right head space and know the rules of eating so you are ahead of the game in many respects.
I think it's definatley possible Liz. I know they say you lose more the heavier you are and your not nearly as heavy as most but i think most of us lose similar in the first few months, fat girl slim wasnt very heavy when she had hers done and i remember her losing very fast. xxx
I'd say it should be possible Liz. You will lose some on your pre-op as well, and although you may not lose as fast as some as you are starting with less to lose, your target doesnt sound too unrealistic to me.
Sounds realistic enough to me.
Good luck x
Thankyou for all your comments im aware with my bmi being less than a average bypass patient my losses will be slower, im trying to remain positive while im waiting my turn on the list but its so hard living with no restriction after having it for just over 5 years, so if i have a target set in my mind i have light at the end of my tunnel so to speak or id go mad right now, im willing to work hard and follow the rules and i know if i need any help or advice theough my journey then you lovely people are here to help if need be so thankyou from ....Liz x
Liz if anyone is going to succeed with this it's going to be you! I feel 100% sure of it! You are going to get to your goal and more importantly, stay there, because you know the way to approach eating and looking after yourself after WLS better than most! I wish you the absolute best of success Liz and hope that this is 3rd time lucky for a permanent slim healthy goal weight for you from now on xxx
Liz i believe your dogged determination will serve you well...

If however you don't make your target look at it this way, you'll start 2011 a lot lighter than 2010 and you'll pretty damn good too xxx
Liz if anyone is going to succeed with this it's going to be you! I feel 100% sure of it! You are going to get to your goal and more importantly, stay there, because you know the way to approach eating and looking after yourself after WLS better than most! I wish you the absolute best of success Liz and hope that this is 3rd time lucky for a permanent slim healthy goal weight for you from now on xxx

thankyou Neen, i know this will be the last WLS i will have which is why ive chosen a bypass this time i just cant continue with things going wrong with my bands, thanks for yours and every one elses support here i really do appreciate it xxx
As everyone else has said, you are probably more likely to be able to achieve your goal than anyone else. You know what to do, you just need a new tool to do it. I forsee a very happy and slim New Year for you! xx
Liz it is possible I have lost 4 stone and I'm only 8 weeks bypass :) I set a goal to get to 16 stone for my holidays in 3 weeks time but went past that so set 15 stone gone past it so though 14 and I'm only 9lb of that so anything is possible with a bypass :)
I think its possible too, I dont think you are being unrealistic but wouldnt want you to be dissapointed if you didnt reach it! Good Luck x
Go girl go. :bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss:
Hiya Liz
I think its a good idea to set yourself a goal as it might help to get your head in gear ready for the op. I know its been difficult for you emotionally, regaining some of your weight so its good to focus on something positive.
I have a sneaky suspicion that you'll reach your goal in no time at all and show the rest of us up, bet hey even if you did end up a couple of pounds short, what the hell ! Your achievements so far are amazing and you have lots to be proud about x x
Hiya Liz
I think its a good idea to set yourself a goal as it might help to get your head in gear ready for the op. I know its been difficult for you emotionally, regaining some of your weight so its good to focus on something positive.

Hi Jayne, i need that focus to have other wise id go nuts, he may even stop op because of the weight gain we shall see, Maureen said i dont have to do the pre op diet but i think i want to, i didnt when i went band to band, but i think this time it may help.
I have a sneaky suspicion that you'll reach your goal in no time at all and show the rest of us up, bet hey even if you did end up a couple of pounds short, what the hell ! Your achievements so far are amazing and you have lots to be proud about x x

i will give it my best go, they rekon band to bypass patients lose slower but i can only but try and give it my best shot, thanks for your support Jayne i really do appreciate it, see you next meeting ? x

Liz x

at least you will be losing sweetie and as many a good person has said its not a race. you are bound to worry after what happened and especially when things were going so well for you, you'll be back being a star on the loser bench and by christmas we will not be able to see you you'll be that thin - have faith in yourself