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My wounds........


New Member
I have 6 wounds which are still covered, i was told that the covers would start lifting around 7 days & would be fine to come off, its now day 11 and they are stuck, i've just tried to lift one but the middle of the sticker (the white padding) seems to be stuck to the wound & i'm a big wimp with things like this!!
Do you think i would be better booking an appointment to see the nurse at my local doctors?
Many Thanks :D
Em have they given you any spare dressings love? If not, I would go to the doctors. I needed dressings on for about 5 weeks.
If you book an appointment with the nurse, you may need a prescription for some dressings too. The doctors should be able to advise you.
Thank you ladies, they never mentioned what to do after these ones come off :eek: i think i will go & see the nurse, charis i saw on fb your not feeling so good....sending you lots of love xx
Thanks Em. I can't believe the hospital didn't give you spare dressings. I had mine changed the day I came home and was given 3 more changes to bring with me. I had to ge a prescription for another 3 changes. I think if you're a bit squeamish, it's best to let the nurse/doctor deal with it. My hubby is a trained nurse, so I've had expert care at home. Lucky me.
Are you feeling a bit happier now Em?
I was informed to go to the nurse at my gp's practise and let them change them and also I was given quite a few extra dressings to be able to change also. Best to go to the docs if your squeamish and at least they can check em over whilst your there (for peace of mind)

MeJulie x x
Hi Em, I think because our wounds are glued, with maybe a butterfly stitch here and there, we don't need them changing. I picked mine off, and although one was a bit damp, they all healed fine. xxxxx
I took my dressings off in the shower at one week post op then the final steri strips have only just come off at 3 weeks post op... I would say if they don't want to move don't make them!! xxx
My main plasters had to come off as they were making me itch which just left the steristrips. Had a shower yesterday though which made them loose so I took them off carefully. Underneath though just tiny pink lines - totally healed and can hardly tell I have had anything done! I am only 11 days post op. Took a photo to put on here but cant download it! If I could eat more I would not believe I had had an op at all . . . . .:rolleyes:
Thanks Em. I can't believe the hospital didn't give you spare dressings. I had mine changed the day I came home and was given 3 more changes to bring with me. I had to ge a prescription for another 3 changes. I think if you're a bit squeamish, it's best to let the nurse/doctor deal with it. My hubby is a trained nurse, so I've had expert care at home. Lucky me.
Are you feeling a bit happier now Em?

Hhhhmmm the hospital didn't really say anything to me about them! I'm feeling better each day thanks, however i'm a bit concerned that i can seem to eat more than 2 tablespoons of pureed food at anyone time :eek: i have to keep saying thats it you've had enough but i could carry on.............:confused:
yes I think me too with pureed food, but when you get to more solid food you'll feel full quicker and with less. I know now when I get a slight feeling of discomfort, it's time to stop! try not to worry Em, its still very early days. Big hugs xxx
My dressings were pretty stuck down, I was told to have them off once I was home but had spares and used them as was paranoid that the staples would catch on clothing. Had the staples out yesterday and steristrips put on and told to just let them come off in the shower.

I would try some warm water to ease it off, if not luck then the nurse.
Emms believe me i had about three dressings from my hospital, for my 8 inch scar down the front of my tum... Just let the warm water in the shower loosen it hun, if it doesn't look infected or feel hot to the touch (after the warm shower of course) then let the air get to it hun :)

But, if you do have a concern maybe you could get it off in the shower and then toddle off down to the doc's for the nurse to have a look at it? :) xx
Been to see the nurse she was great :) she pulled off all my plasters (didn't hurt!!) however one was not looking so good, so that one has been re-covered, i wish i wasn't such a wimp though i can't even looked at them!! :eek:
Well done Em. You are a star. Glad everything is progressing well and keep strong and keep going.

Often thinking of you and sending love and hugs xxx
I didnt get any spare dressings and were told to let the air get to them asap, they would heal quicker.

My wound is quite clean and not really leaking, just very bruised. I have NO bandage on it now.

But i was stitched...
Em, try not to worry. I had one which took much longer to heal, but its fine now. Sending hugs xxx