Grr I just wrote a really long post and it disappeared when I clicked submit!
Hi all, I'm a newbie so please be gentle.
I'm male, late 20s with a BMI of about 35. I have no diabetes, slightly raised blood pressure (untreated) and I suffer chronic back and joint pain.
My back story is this: I've been overweight all my life and aged 18 my weight peaked at 34st / 476lb (BMI 56). Over a 2 year period I got my weight down to just under 17st / 238lb by doing weight watchers online and exercising a lot. I then had a ton of plastic surgery to remove the loose skin and got on with my life.
However over the last few years my weight has crept back up to 21st / 294lb again. For the last 2-3 years I have been fairly stable but with a slight increase each year.
Clearly I know how to lose weight, I still keep a food diary and calorie count (average 3500 per day
) but I cannot seem to get a grip on this. I eat too much as I'm always hungry, I have frequent binges on junk and I'm obsessed by food, food is always on my mind, it is very tiring. I just cannot find the spark that helped me lose weight before.
I'm scared of getting as big as I used to be, I'm angry that the hard work and plastic surgery I had before is going to waste and I think the extra weight is not helping my back or joints (which ironically makes it more difficult to exercise).
I'm thinking of going to the GP to discuss WLS either on the NHS or privately. Am I mad?
Hi all, I'm a newbie so please be gentle.
I'm male, late 20s with a BMI of about 35. I have no diabetes, slightly raised blood pressure (untreated) and I suffer chronic back and joint pain.
My back story is this: I've been overweight all my life and aged 18 my weight peaked at 34st / 476lb (BMI 56). Over a 2 year period I got my weight down to just under 17st / 238lb by doing weight watchers online and exercising a lot. I then had a ton of plastic surgery to remove the loose skin and got on with my life.
However over the last few years my weight has crept back up to 21st / 294lb again. For the last 2-3 years I have been fairly stable but with a slight increase each year.
Clearly I know how to lose weight, I still keep a food diary and calorie count (average 3500 per day
I'm scared of getting as big as I used to be, I'm angry that the hard work and plastic surgery I had before is going to waste and I think the extra weight is not helping my back or joints (which ironically makes it more difficult to exercise).
I'm thinking of going to the GP to discuss WLS either on the NHS or privately. Am I mad?