Hi. Welcome. I'll tell you my storey and you can ask any specific Q's you may have........happy to answer.

I was sleeved (privately) on 24th January this year and was more terrified than anything else, however little bits of excitement did accidentally creep in now and then. I hadn't considered surgery before the middle of last year as I still thought I could "get a grip" on my lifelong battle at some point. Obviously, that point never came.....I'd lose a couple of stone and put on 3 etc until I found myself over 22st and being tested for disbetes and high blood pressure etc. It was the kick up the bum I needed.
The prep diet was hell and at times I could have chewed my own hand off I was so hungry. I has sugar withrawal headaches and shakes for a couple of days too so if you are a big sugar eater like me, wean yourself off before the diet! The amount of weight that falls off you is amazing though and it's surprisingly easy to stick to even though you are hungry. I guess the prospect of easier surgery and less complications is a great motivator!
Unlike alot of the people on here, I can't honestly say I sailed through the op but then I've always had anaesthetic difficulty. The pain was bearable and the nausea treatable and my recovery was aided by getting up and moving (through the discomfort) without a doubt.
I am 4.5 weeks post op now and haven't had any pain or pulls at all now for a couple of weeks. My team had me on sloppy puree before I left hospital (but I understand this changes from team to team) and I carried on with that until the 4 week point when I could start eating soft foods (by the end of week 3 I was desperate for this day as puree gets harder and harder!).
This week, eating soft food and on my supplements I feel good and very ready to carry on my weight loss journey. I have discovered a few things I didn't actually know before the op (despite being given sooo many details etc beforehand that I though my head would explode). Those details are...........no fizzy drinks...ever and supplements forever! They wouldn't have affected my decision but I was a little shocked at the fizzy drinks ban as I'm not a drinker and always have a diet coke or two when out. With juice being off the menu too it's quite difficult going out for a drink with friends......water it is then!
I wish you the best of luck with your journey and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. : )