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Newbie just got funding agreed


New Member
I thought I'd reintroduce myself as I've been away from the boards for ages. I'm 40+ Mum and housewife, and I've been overweightmost of my life, since hitting my forties things have got worse - more weight and more health problems. I decided I need to be healthier both for myself and my family (especially our two youngest who need an active Mum).
Luckily I've got an extremely supportive GP and he has helped persuade the PCT (or whatever they are now) over the last 18 months that they should fund surgery for me. I heard last week that this has been granted, and I'm back her to do research and find support.
Looking forward to getting to know you :)
Congratulations!! :)
Fabulous news xx
Thanks everyone :)
After getting over the shock of hearing the funding has been agreed (it was totally out of the blue and I'd given up hope of the PCT ever agreeing!!) I've started to get excited/anxious in about the same amounts!!
As an NHS patient how much choice do I get over what procedure I have? Looking at the info I think a bypass would be best for me, but I don't know if I'll just be told what I'm having?
Thanks for any advice
youhave all the choice its your body the surgeons can only give advise on what would be better for you, i wanted the bypass doing had planned on the bypass researched it everything then i was told the sleevewould be better for me, due to being on alot of meds so i put my faith in the surgeons and went along with it, they put you and your needs first if that makes sence, good luck wth your journey
Thank you MUMMY 2309
That makes a lot of sense. I'll carry on researching the bypass for now, as it seems like the best option for me, but once I get to the stage of seeing the surgeon I'll see what they advise :) x
Great news Gertie ... Exciting times ahead :)
Yes good news, I am about to have mine, you will get several appointments to discuss the options and also a final one with the consultant they will advise. Good luck
Thank you Femfrankie - it is great news :) I'm finding a lot of inspiration and encouragement reading the threads on here, and from the look of t h e stats under your signature you have done fantastically well :) Have you written a diary, I'd love to read it if you have :)
Good luck Jane h - it's good to know I'll get ample opportunity to discuss the different surgical options with the team before I have to make my final decision.
Thank you Femfrankie - it is great news :) I'm finding a lot of inspiration and encouragement reading the threads on here, and from the look of t h e stats under your signature you have done fantastically well :) Have you written a diary, I'd love to read it if you have :)
Good luck Jane h - it's good to know I'll get ample opportunity to discuss the different surgical options with the team before I have to make my final decision.

Thank you Gertie. Not had the bypass yet but hopefully in the next month or so once I get the gastric balloon removed. You can find my thread/diary here
