New Member
Hi everyone,
Im new to this bit so thought Id say Hi
I have been on the 12 week weight loss counselling part of the 4healthyweight course in the South east Kent area.
I have nearly finished my 12 weeks and have had 1 session each with the dietician Laura and exersise specialist Andy so far. I have been told by my councillor and dietician that I've been referred to the warts and all seminar and so still waiting to hear about it.
I have health conditions which have led to me going down this route of applying for surgery to help me get down to a healthier size to cope better physically etc... so praying it will happen one day x I've been doing SW fir years and failing miserably do trying to learn some new eating behaviours and foods i.e portion sizes little n often etc...
My counselling has been hard due to years of crap to unearth but that has been part of my road to recovery in terms of realising why i have picked up bad eating habits over the years and in turn is helping me try and make some changes for the better and long run
so def worth going through
my advice for anyone going to the counselling bit is be totally honest with yourself and be open about it as thats what the sessions are there for
My BMI is 42.5 at present and im 5ft4 and I have been told by the dietician that unless I can lose and go below 40 BMI I cannot have the band but could possibly have the gastric bypass or other options.
I sooooooooo need this to happen although after reading other peoples journeys of how long they had to wait for surgery etc i think I've still got a very long time to wait but praying it goes quicker (well seem quick at least lol)
Its great to be able to read others journeys etc as doesn't feel do scary and alone xx
Im new to this bit so thought Id say Hi
I have been on the 12 week weight loss counselling part of the 4healthyweight course in the South east Kent area.
I have nearly finished my 12 weeks and have had 1 session each with the dietician Laura and exersise specialist Andy so far. I have been told by my councillor and dietician that I've been referred to the warts and all seminar and so still waiting to hear about it.
I have health conditions which have led to me going down this route of applying for surgery to help me get down to a healthier size to cope better physically etc... so praying it will happen one day x I've been doing SW fir years and failing miserably do trying to learn some new eating behaviours and foods i.e portion sizes little n often etc...
My counselling has been hard due to years of crap to unearth but that has been part of my road to recovery in terms of realising why i have picked up bad eating habits over the years and in turn is helping me try and make some changes for the better and long run
My BMI is 42.5 at present and im 5ft4 and I have been told by the dietician that unless I can lose and go below 40 BMI I cannot have the band but could possibly have the gastric bypass or other options.
I sooooooooo need this to happen although after reading other peoples journeys of how long they had to wait for surgery etc i think I've still got a very long time to wait but praying it goes quicker (well seem quick at least lol)
Its great to be able to read others journeys etc as doesn't feel do scary and alone xx