Ive been here before many times but forgot my log ons lol (silly me)
my story so far is...
Ive been overweight all my life and cant remember what its like to be or feel healthy. Im only 22yo and weighing in at 380lbs.
I met with my GP years ago and he referred me to the team at ninewells in Dundee. i was approved for surgery and told to go lose my 10% quit smoking etc. All of which i managed and when it came time for my pre op assessment they found out i was severely anaemic. They put me on pills for 6 months to try and get my iron levels up and during this 6 months i put all my weight back on and some! my struggle has always been maintaining my weight loss. after another 2 years on the NHS lists faffing about and never meeting requirements and them constantly changing their minds i decided enough was enough.
it was time to take things into my own hands.
so i decided to look into going private and at first wanted to go abroad as the price was much cheaper but then thought of the after-care and was put off. i was contacted by a group called TONIC who are based down in England and i spoke to the loveliest woman called Kay, the next day i was contacted by the surgeon Dr Awad who gave me a consultation over the phone and basically had me sold. he made me feel so at ease and excited again. i was made to feel hopeful again. As im young and still living at home i had a long chat with my mum and we decided that id go ahead and go private.
today Kay called me again and i told her id like to go ahead with surgery

i got my loan sorted straight away and im booked in for May 21st at Derby royal hospital
im honestly so excited. its all moving so quickly and ive to start my pre op liver shrinking diet tomorrow
does anyone have any tips for me for the diet/surgery:?
or has anyone had surgery by Mr Awad?
all help welcome
Kirstie x
my story so far is...
Ive been overweight all my life and cant remember what its like to be or feel healthy. Im only 22yo and weighing in at 380lbs.
I met with my GP years ago and he referred me to the team at ninewells in Dundee. i was approved for surgery and told to go lose my 10% quit smoking etc. All of which i managed and when it came time for my pre op assessment they found out i was severely anaemic. They put me on pills for 6 months to try and get my iron levels up and during this 6 months i put all my weight back on and some! my struggle has always been maintaining my weight loss. after another 2 years on the NHS lists faffing about and never meeting requirements and them constantly changing their minds i decided enough was enough.
it was time to take things into my own hands.
so i decided to look into going private and at first wanted to go abroad as the price was much cheaper but then thought of the after-care and was put off. i was contacted by a group called TONIC who are based down in England and i spoke to the loveliest woman called Kay, the next day i was contacted by the surgeon Dr Awad who gave me a consultation over the phone and basically had me sold. he made me feel so at ease and excited again. i was made to feel hopeful again. As im young and still living at home i had a long chat with my mum and we decided that id go ahead and go private.
today Kay called me again and i told her id like to go ahead with surgery
im honestly so excited. its all moving so quickly and ive to start my pre op liver shrinking diet tomorrow
does anyone have any tips for me for the diet/surgery:?
or has anyone had surgery by Mr Awad?
all help welcome
Kirstie x