Hi I have just joined and would like some advice please. i am 5 weeks post op ( Bypass) and concerned about my portion size. could anyone please give me some helpful advice, i am also struggling to drink more then 750ml daily exc Tea and cooffee.
Hi there, I have been posting my food diary on post op diets. You will see my times of starting and stopping sips of fluids etc and portion sizes so far.
I am in my first week home so still on puree. Your provider should of given you a booklet with guidelines on your post op diet. Our booklet is puree diet first 4 weeks home then after 4 weeks and feel comfortable you can start introducing new food. I will type up what it says
Extract from Sunderland Royal Hospital post gastric bypass diet booklet,
'When introducing any new food always chew it well and eat slowly, giving each mouthful a chance to go down before trying the next one. If the food does not agree with you- pain. discomfort or vomiting continue with pureed foods for a few more days.
General guidelines
1. Continue to have 4-6 small meals per day
2. Continue to have plenty of protein
3. Take fluid in between meals and sip slowly
4. Drink plenty of fluid- continue 2-2.5 litres a day
5. Avoid fizzy drinks
6. Start to take calcium/vitamin d and iron supplements.
Stage 1 Foods,
Soft cooked eggs

oached or scrambled (dietician told us one egg is the portion)
cottage cheese: 50g
fish in parsley sauce
finely minced meats
cauliflower cheese
macaroni cheese
if these foods cause no vomiting, heartburn or indigestion move onto stage 2 foods, and gradually to stage 3 foods.
I can add more if you need to know the next foods.
It does say that when you can eat a tea plate portion then aim to have 3 meals a day. As I understand we will be on teaspoons at a time for a few weeks. Eventually one day maybe about 3 tablespoons will be our meal size then we go down to 3 meals a day, some may always be on less than that so will have to eat smaller amount more often. We are on a life long diet. Hope this helps a little. As I understood it, we just have to train our brains to catch up to our tummy and stop eating before we are full as our tummy heals we will increase to about the 3 tablespoons. I would try and listen to your body and stop before you feel full. You should be comfortable when you finish eating. I think you do need to be sipping more water through out the day though. Our dietician told us to carry a water bottle at all times. You need to get up to the 2.5 litres of fluids a day. It will help with losing fat too as well as keeping you healthier.
Good luck and I can type more of the booklet if it helps
Also kindle store offers a good book to download cheaply for post op diets. Its American so you will have to use conversion on measures but has some good tips for meal plans and measures.