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Hello everyone! Well I have been to my psychological assessment with carly at Salford royal today and it went brill!! :) she was quite surprised at my size tho lol I'm 16 stone and a tiny 4 ft 11. She seems to think I was a lot slimmer than my actual weight, but I did explain that I'd been dieting for the last year and half and have gone from a size 28 down to a size 20 by myself but finding it very difficult to loose more. Anyway to cut to the chase she said she would have no hesitation in saying yes! So now I'm wondering how long roughly will it be before the actual operation, I'm under Dr ammori if that helps. Thanks for any help and guidance in advance.
hello and welcome caz1975
asking how long it starts from start to finish is a tough one each area seems to operate differently so its a bit of a toughie but it seems it takes as long as it takes but do remind them your around as sometimes people get a little lost in the system so other than saying hello I wish you lots of luck
ps other people on here have had the same surgeon as you maybe they are better placed to advise on length of time
I think you've got the longest bit over seeing carly...the wait list was terrible when I had to go through all this.
Luckily I got a cancelation so once carly was done it wasn't long at all when I got the call from dr ammori secretary.
I was under dr ammori but a lady surgeon did my bypass under his supervision....due to me not being a high risk patient.
If you ring dr ammori secretary Gill,she's really helpful and might be able to advise.
I'm saying all this..whether anything has changed I couldn't say, as I did have my bypass almost 5 yrs ago.
Thanks for the quick reply! I'm very nervous to say the least but excited too as I'm sure u can understand. I've been on the wms for a year and half now so hopefully it won't be too long now, I've got another appointment on the 16th July to attend the bariatric surgery department for an outpatient appointment so I may know more then :) xx
Hi and welcome, well done on your loss so far though, sounds like you are very committed! Good luck