So I'm new to here and not 100% sure how this works but today i had my meeting with the dietician to see if i had reached my goal of 10% and I DID 
In October I had my meeting with my surgeon Mr Patel at Ninewells and he said that if the dietician was happy with my weight loss then the next meeting i had with him would be with the whole team to decide what surgery i would get and to set a date.
So after my meeting today all i have to do is wait for my letter to come through for that meeting, oh and keep the weight off!
i really hope it doesn't take too long!!
Mr Patel said to me in October that once the dietician was happy that the next step would move very quickly and i hope he's right! The dietician is emailing him today/tomorrow so i should get an appointment through some time in the next 2 weeks
fingers crossed!
What I'm wondering is, is has anyone had their procedure done in Ninewells? Or heard of anyone who has?
feel free to email me on [email protected]

In October I had my meeting with my surgeon Mr Patel at Ninewells and he said that if the dietician was happy with my weight loss then the next meeting i had with him would be with the whole team to decide what surgery i would get and to set a date.
So after my meeting today all i have to do is wait for my letter to come through for that meeting, oh and keep the weight off!
Mr Patel said to me in October that once the dietician was happy that the next step would move very quickly and i hope he's right! The dietician is emailing him today/tomorrow so i should get an appointment through some time in the next 2 weeks
What I'm wondering is, is has anyone had their procedure done in Ninewells? Or heard of anyone who has?
feel free to email me on [email protected]