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No Longer Losing...


New Member
So on April 9, 2013 my life changed (my rny). I should preface this by stating that this is my first ever post here ;) I have had a very easy go of it - NOTHING makes me sick, I have never dumped and I can eat anything at decent quantities (I have to be careful of this and deliberately limited myself to one cup at a sitting so I dont stretch my pouch back out).
Here is my problem.. old habits come back fast when you arent limited physically (aka dumping). I am not gaining, which is good, however, this is the time where it should be easiest for me to shed and do well. It is definately starting to get very hard as I have come to a 3+month stall. Why? Well, my exersize is fantastic - I kickbox three times a week and do karate two times per week. Food? YEP Theres my killer right now. I feel hunger and when Im hungry I eat.. I try to eat good things but my mind is just not winning out when I know I wont be sick. I need to kick my ass back on track fast before I slide down that slippery slope..
I have never yet used protien shakes.. I think that may be a place to start to start replacing some of the things Im eating.. I honestly havent found any shakes that I can tolerate though.. they are really grose.. (keep in mind Im also from canada so we dont always have the same products available either).

Help? Suggestions? Thoughts?:eek:
maybe back to basics - keep a food diary? join a slimming club? plenty of WLS people go to slimming clubs, which are good for motivation I think, and getting back on track.

I'm a bit behind you date wise, but think soon my weight loss will slow down so am interested in how people cope at what seems to be a crucial point in our journey!

Good luck, and keep posting on here - it's very helpful :D
Hi cut out carbs and if you are hungry eat low fat cheese or meat. I am luck in that I have lost my love of chocolate since my bypass, but I love crisps. So I have stopped buying them as I cannot resist them and I seem to have no restriction.
I don't think shakes would give you the "full" feeling, liquids slip down easily for me.
Good luck x
When I lost weight before (5 stone on slimming world) I was exercising a lot and my weight plateaued. Sometimes it seems to affect loses
As for shakes: I've been using them since the very beginning.
They've helped me mantain my lean mass and satisfy my brand new sweet tooth (that I didn't have before op). I also sometimes add some proteins to the meals I cook always and carefully plan protein intake for the day. That, I repeat, from the very beginning.
I've found a brand I love (MyProtein) but apparently they do not deliver outside of Europe. I buy the unflavoured powder so I can use it both for sweet shakes and for cooking. I use sugarless flavourings in the shakes (do you have the Torani ones in Canada? We cannot find them in Europe.)
From this side of the ocean, I've always been envious of how many different brands of protein food you have on the other side! Keep on trying and you'll find the right brand for you too.
Good luck!
Try switching up your exercise - your body is used to doing the same things. Try Zumba and Spinning instead, or swimming, a kettle-bell class. Also, cut your processed foods, especially carbs. Eat lean protein first followed by vegetables. Try the Atkins protein shakes - you can get them in the States so I'm sure you can get them in Canada. I like the chocolate and the café caramel ones. They're about 160 calories each, high protein, very low carb. Good luck!