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no swimming for me


New Member
my daughter and i decided we would join our local water keep fit ,being all organised i ordered a costume from evans ,,it came today and first impression it was ok but then i put it on and if i put my arms down it nearly falls off and where are my boobs going? so no swimming tonight but its great something is too big rather than always too small,
I got one last year for my hols, the kind with the spongy booby bits . The were quite hard and when I put it on the cups stayed where they were....empty! and my boobs were way down low under the cups :eek: I dont think theyre supposed to do that lol X
o nooo, but hey its because of a good cause ha! xx
Awww Sue... it's so funny you should say that... I have three cossies in total, all size 24-26.

My friend who helps me and takes me to the toning tables wants me to start an aqua aerobics class for beginners and the over fifties...

I have yet to try my three costumes... I always have a sarong... but I think my cossies will be ill fitting too... and they are expensive items...

Will let you know how I get on in a few days time...

Great that we are thinking of swimming. I have had this in my mind for a few weeks for pain relief in my spine... it's a great relaxing exercise too...

Loads of love xxx
I can't wait to go swimming!

I have a lovely cossy I bought in Walmart in Florida a couple of years ago...which is a bit like a speedo one and fastens round the neck...so shouldn't be 'indecent' for quite a while!

But if you can't into your costume....better it be too big than to small! :)
I have the same problem. Muy costumes were all too big - so I bought a new one. 4 weeks later this one is too big too! Nice problem to have though!!!!!!!!
My GF has threatened to take me swimming this weekend at my local pool. :eek: I (almost) learned to swim 11 years ago, but haven't been since. Just hope I don't drown...:cry:
John let's hope your g/f has some bouyancy aids in case you flounder :)

Congrats on the shrinking bods ladies, i personally keep feeling my boobs to see if they are shrinking.... :)
Hahaha... Julie... just like me... my underwear never seems to feel big though... so I don't know if I'm really shrinking at all... maybe it was miles too big in the first place... it keeps me guessing xxx
I always have trouble with swimming costumes. They look fine til I start swimming, then I seem to collect water all down the front where my chest isn't big enough. When I stand up again the cossie is on it's way down to the floor if I'm not careful.
I hope you manage to keep your ( . )( . ) in the right bit Bev! and John, dont be "pretending" to drown just to use your ladies bouyancy aids ;) x
Well, managed to get to the baths on Sunday with GF. Had a great time but didn't stray far from the edge and something to hang on to. Was a good start and have resolved to try and get some lessons for adult beginners. Although I had some handy bouancy aids to hand, I didn't go out of my depth. Major problem was that GF managed to pull something in her back and was then hobbling around for the rest of the weekend. Apart from the swimming, not a weekend I would want to repeat anytime soon.
Hahaha... Jacqui... just spotted your message from 6 days ago... there is no chance that my (.)(.) will allow me to drown! I think there is enough there to save many others too!

I am longing to squeeze into my costume, wrap myself in my sarong... waddle up to the steps and discreetly slip into the water ''unnoticed''!

Once I'm in, I'm in... it's just getting out that is the problem... I shall have to wait until the baths is empty!

Anyway... at least I'm going to have a good go.

I'm joining the local baths aqua aerobics in the near future, it's an hour a week and my friend who helps me will be there... since I may only be able to bob about but as long as I get there... it's another of my goals...

Anything that helps relieve my spine is worth the effort... I am living in hope of needing less of the pain killing injections in my spine... they are not nice and I have had so many I now dread having them for spondylitis.

On a cheerful note... it's a glorious morning... best foot forward and who knows one day I may be able to dive into the pool! I'm hoping!!

well me and my boobs found a costume that fits and the best bit is it was only a tenner in evans online sale, so its wednesday again and im off to aqua fit tonight already checked the pool is easy to get in and out of so i AM going to give it a go and to put myself in the right frame of mind i have already walked a mile on the treadmill. will let you all know how swimming goes should be fun xx