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O/T - Swine flu..does anyone know if it is still a big problem?

My youngest daughter (9) has been 'off it' since she got up this morning, but has suddenly developed a silly cough and sniffles, high temp and aches and pains...
I have been on the NHS website and they have given me a number to collect some Antiviral tablets.....
What does everyone think? I have heard of some yukky storeis about them with children?
I'd give them a call and ask for some advise.
they say that cases have dropped dramatically and wont rise again until the winter - but its always better to be safe than sorry with little ones. Ask your GP for advice
I'm working on swine flu surge planning at the moment, and the latest telemetry points at a second wave hitting in early/mid October.

Personally, I would suggest that your daughter takes the antivirals, and monitor whether her symptoms start to eleviate. If they don't, see your GP as unfortunately, there have been cases where illnesses are misdiagnosed as swine flu. Also, as always when a child gets ill, check for rashes as you always need to be vigilante to the signs of meningitis. PLEASE NOTE - I am not a trained healthcare professional, so don't treat my advise as being more noteworthy than any other average joe! I'm just an analyst.

Hope she feels better soon!

Ant x
I don't want to sound negative but my daughter(19) was ill a couple of weeks ago with cold,sickness,headaches and achy joints. I told her I'd ring the docs in a day or so if she was no better and 2 days later she was fine. The reason I held off was because in our area they are giving Tamiflu tablets out like they were smarties. Had she had them and then got Swine flu she would'nt have been allowed them again. Her best friends Mum rang the help line when she was being sick and they prescribed Tamiflu for her without even seeing her. After 2 days she was also fine and is now worried that if she does get swine flu she won't get medicated for it. I know its different with the little ones but its worth a thought. Hope your little one feels better soonxx