Everything you say is so true ...
It's not like we've just eaten and eaten then thought sod this I'll have surgery !!!
We have battle with our weight and for me (nhs) it's taken a couple of years and some illness to get to the surgery .. plus as you have read and will experience it's not easy !!!
Who on earth in there right mind would drink milk only .. for 2 weeks if they weren't serious about this journey ...
I've just got excited because I had a meal tonight (weather has done something to my appetite ) I love it when I can't finish my tea plate of food .. before I'd just stuff and stuff .. different mindset but loving it ... I have been lucky tho only been sick once but the other end has happened quite a bit .... the worst thing is the wind after the op you have to get up and move about asap to shift it .... xx have a lovely evening xxx
Hi Tracey, my doctor has been incredibly supportive, mainly because i have a sneaky suspicion she has had surgery herself too! Well she must have been about 17st when she first became my gp. She had quite a few months of work at one point, only to return.... looking around a size 12! Ive never asked her...and never would...its her business. Either way...she looks amazing now.
I have come across some rude and not very empathetic people who work in the medical proffesion, who should know better though. I had one dietitian, tell me she knows how i feel, her family are all quite big, And that she herself had had a weight issue, but she lost it through healthy eating and excercise. So been curious, i asked her how much she had lost. To my utter annoyannce ...she said a stone & a half! ( not that im not pleased, for anyone to have lost any amount of weight)...but she looked around 6ft 2in, and about 10st. So how on earth could she possibly understand my struggles on losing weight!
I think there is quite a few...good docters out there....but they struggle to put there prejudices towards the obese aside, no matter how well trained up they are!
As for the flatulance, I suffer from quite bad with that anyhow! Lol. I get IBS symptoms a lot....constipation mainly.
As i backed out of surgery in the past, its mainly me who's been dragging my feet, not the NHS. Twice i backed out...( both near date too) thinking both times...right im having 'one last' attempt to lose this on my own. Yes both times, after turning surgery down...i initially lost weight...1 or 2 stone max, but...you can kinda guess what happens next....yep ..i re-gained my weight and more! Even though that was around 20 months ago now, Im still on their original books, And according to what the consultant told me 2 weeks ago...their oblidged to give patients 3 chances, before discharging them completely! So this is my last chance.....i feel so lucky...im not going to blow it this time.
I could never imagine me eating a small tea plate of food, then feeling full. I can't wait! Got all my tiny plasic freezer tubs ready! Nearly threw them out a few times...glad i never. Hopefully in time...il be throwing all my size 24/26 clothes out. Not holding on to them, like i have done in the past, just incase i needed them again! Shopping for clothes will be a whole new experience for me. As ive never been able to where anything other than plus size for most of my teenage years and beyond.
Sounds like you've fighted like hell to get where you are today, with illnesses, and the NHS. So glad that you have been successful. Hope you have a good day tomorrow.
