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Old habits...


New Member
I need to write this down before I explode with annoyance. I just don't know what happened yesterday but got to work it out , I have been doing well, no real issues - but yesterday I was like a bloody food hoover. Started out ok but somewhere in the day my head went and I started eating, and I didn't stop, even when my band was doing its job with restriction, I kept going like a kamikaze pilot, i even ate stuff I don't really like for the sake of shovelling it in. And I had wine so now have a headache to boot and will be craving carbs all day. What a Muppet! :sigh:

Not particularly stressed, not upset, all is well with the world....but this hovering around self destruct has really bothered me, I can't quite figure out what on earth I thought I was doing? Today is another day, so I will revert to my better habits, I will also look at getting a fill for a bit more restriction , I will treat it as a learning experience,

yours truly and feeling like a fool..
Hey don't feel like a fool. We have all done it. Me repeatedly. If our heads were normal we wouldn't have needed surgery in the first place

Your graze or binge would be minimal in comparison to pre band binges

So give yourself loads of love and a big I'm proud of me hugg for what you have already achieved

No one can be perfect 100% of the time. But your band will help you in the difficult days xxxxx

It's a long journey babe. Your just at the start. Tough days are part of the journey I'm afraid. But you have learned from this. To get right on track the next day is amazing xxx I remember dieting for months, going on holiday, binging and not stopping for two years lol. Gone are those days xxx
I think us banders all have those days lol........... some more than others LOL me included LOL most days I feel like a hoover but looking back in retrospection they are minimal compared to pre banded life..... I'm not sure a band will ever stop you having those kind of days either.... grazing is one of those habits which can cheat the band so easily.... I like to think that even on grazing days its still relatively minimal if you still follow the rules :) Hands up to being a grazer full stop, BUT I still try to stick to the rules and low calories which minimises the damage.... I always say this wl lark is in our heads and sometimes doing a bit of soul searching normally brings the problem to light.... for me its normally something so simple which triggers the habits and around I go again..... within a few days my heads back along with the good habits..........but the main thing is NOT to beat yourself up about it...........thats when the troubles begin................be gentle.....accept it......get your head around what caused it .......put in some coping strategies and move forward......its a huge life long learning curve :) these are all the same things which got us to where we were (pre op) so learning from them post op certainly helps and fingers crossed stops us from going back to them old days x x x x x x
I have days when I think im eating for England but when I stop and think it over its nowhere near the amount I use to eat still no excuse but it is what it is I will dust myself off and start the next day anew
We're all human. You won't have consumed as many calories as you think or as you would have done in the previous-band days
Because you're human hun!!! None of us are perfect with this and we all have off days, please don't be too hard on yourself. It sounds like you're doing the right thing getting right back on the straight and narrow :)
remember it's a marathon not a sprint, allow yourself to slip up from time to time, it probably wasn't anywhere near as bad as you think but just get right back on it and think of the bigger picture and the long term x
I am also finding it difficult to kick the old habits...why oh why our brains are wired differently?
I also had one day that I could not stop eating. I realised that I was actually tired. But like others said, our overheating is in much smaller scale and we can revert back to our now normal healthier eating sooner. You are doing well, keep going
I was doing some reading about this yesterday *nerd hat on* and the current theory is a combination of genetics and environment that resulted in something developing wrong in the rewards centre in the brain. ie too much pleasure is derived from certain things - I guess this is why WLS patients can develop transfer addictions. The wiring is still wrong even if the addiction is banished!