Just read a post by Quincy informing us that Walsall Manor are not operating at weekends anymore.
I cant bear this, looks like I will be waiting 2 years at this rate. I just dont understand this as Wolverhampton patients are funded and so money is not the problem. Honestly, I feel so sorry for all of those of you who are already on the list and have no true idea of when they will have a date. For those of us who are still waiting for funding or even be accepted on the waiting list it's unbearable. With the pending goverment cutbacks and the ever changing PCT criteria I am in a dilema as to whether to diet - not diet - carry on or give up. I am only 5 1/2 months into my journey and its just all absorbing and has changed my life on a daily basis. I just can not think of anything else.
I was told by WM yesterday that its going to be Jan/ Feb before I will hear about seeing the physchologist, if he give the ok then they apply for funding. If funding is agreed then I am looking at least a 39 week wait for surgery ( from their current performance and fibbing about timescales) by my reckoning its more likely to be April for shrink, Aug for funding approval and 52 weeks waiting. Two years from start to operation God willing. How depressing!!! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Sorry to be negative and sound so sorry for myself and indeed selfish, I just feel so down about my weight and the wait! For so many reasons I need this operation like so many on here and I feel let down by the system.

Love to all post oppers and all desperate pre oppers.
Linski xxx
I cant bear this, looks like I will be waiting 2 years at this rate. I just dont understand this as Wolverhampton patients are funded and so money is not the problem. Honestly, I feel so sorry for all of those of you who are already on the list and have no true idea of when they will have a date. For those of us who are still waiting for funding or even be accepted on the waiting list it's unbearable. With the pending goverment cutbacks and the ever changing PCT criteria I am in a dilema as to whether to diet - not diet - carry on or give up. I am only 5 1/2 months into my journey and its just all absorbing and has changed my life on a daily basis. I just can not think of anything else.
I was told by WM yesterday that its going to be Jan/ Feb before I will hear about seeing the physchologist, if he give the ok then they apply for funding. If funding is agreed then I am looking at least a 39 week wait for surgery ( from their current performance and fibbing about timescales) by my reckoning its more likely to be April for shrink, Aug for funding approval and 52 weeks waiting. Two years from start to operation God willing. How depressing!!! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Sorry to be negative and sound so sorry for myself and indeed selfish, I just feel so down about my weight and the wait! For so many reasons I need this operation like so many on here and I feel let down by the system.
Love to all post oppers and all desperate pre oppers.
Linski xxx