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OMG what a journey...


New Member
The snow arrived last night but I made it into work this morning thanks to hubby dropping me off at the station. He phoned at lunchtime to say I ought to come home so I left the office at 1:45.... and I finally got home 7 hours later !!! :eek: A distance of about 16 miles as the crow flies :(

I waited 90 minutes at Charing Cross for a train, which was then terminated 5 stations before my stop. From there I walked a mile in the snow, to catch a tram which only went to the next stop and then stayed there for 20 minutes before moving again. I went on another 4 stops then had to change lines, waited 20 minutes for the next tram which took me to where hubby was waiting for me with the car (he'd been waiting for nearly 2 hours). The final leg took another 2 hours by road. At one point I got out of the car, went into a supermarket, did some shopping, came out and the car was still in the same spot :eek:

We have over a foot of snow now and I'm not going ANYWHERE tomorrow !!! I'm supposed to see the dietician at the hospital in the morning but can't see it happening somehow...
i live near you rose ,and it took my children 3 hours to walk home from school as no buses,both didnt have a coat on just blazers because they get into trouble for them at school ...i rang the school to say they wouldnt be in tomorrow ,daughter has asthma and arthritis and they said i was overeacting x
Poor you Rose. We have about 10 inches. I haven't been out of the door since Friday! Hopefully you can now thaw out, get warm and relax. I take it you won't be going to work tomorrow?
Grace xxx
Wow, thats what you call "real" snow :eek: I was so excited when I saw snow this morning and at the most theres an inch! Mind you it is snowing now :D Its so lovely to look at but it causes chaos in this country......like the rain and the wind and anything else we have lol........maybe its not the right kind of snow :D XX
i live near you rose ,and it took my children 3 hours to walk home from school as no buses,both didnt have a coat on just blazers because they get into trouble for them at school ...i rang the school to say they wouldnt be in tomorrow ,daughter has asthma and arthritis and they said i was overeacting x

Oh your poor kids - they must have been frozen ! Surely the school isn't going to be open tomorrow ?
Poor you Rose. We have about 10 inches. I haven't been out of the door since Friday! Hopefully you can now thaw out, get warm and relax. I take it you won't be going to work tomorrow?
Grace xxx

No way ! I have remote access anyway so will be logging on at home. I will try and get out with my camera though...:cool:
Awww Rose... what a terrible day... I do hope you can get what your work done at home... I think you may have had more snow overnight according to the weather forecast.

My son tried to get from south Wales to the north and ended up changing five times with a four hour delay plus being taken by bus twice to other stations.... it's been horrendous, we have had more snow overnight.

I would normally be out taking my photographs... but I'm not feeling up to it, so I'm going to miss them this year sadly...

Sending a warm hug and loads of love Rose, keep us posted...

All schools in Sheffield are closed for the 2nd day and its been snowing all night and is still coming down really fast now. My friends work pal had a 5 hour walk home last night because she had to abandon her car, she was still only half way home at 11.30 last night because her company wouldnt allow her home earlier in the day. She is putting an official complant in today, its disgusting xxx