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My surgeons secretary just phoned me, I have got to go in on Tuesday for my op!!!!

I wasn't even on the cancellation list and I will have only done the milk diet for 7 days but she says it will be fine, what if it isn't??? What if my liver hasn't shrunk enough????

Am having a bit of a panic, my hubby can't change the days off he has booked, my hospital bag is packed and ready I think :0/

My hands are shaking and I feel a bit sick :(
Woohoo yayyyyyy!!!!! You lucky thing you :) xxx

from me phone :D
can't imagine what you felt when the Secretary rung :D

Think i would of fallen off me chair lol

I agree with neeta,i'm sure the surgeon has taking that into consideration the fact about the liver shrinking...You'll be fine..
Now get Excited !!!

Take care

Andy xx
Wow i would be the same, id shake for England !!!
Safe journey hun xxxxxx
Congratulations on getting your date, good luck and let us know when you're out x
Congratulations, not long to worry about it lol!!

I hope all goes to plan and you are on the way to recovery very soon.

I got 'the' phone call last week too so I know 'that' initial feeling too :). It's all good hehe!!!
You and me both having op on Tuesday! Will be nice to have a surgery buddy to talk through everything with.

Good Luck I will b thinking of u xx
Fantastic news for you. Not long and you'll be done and dusted and ready to take your place on the losers bench:):)
Thanks everyone, am feeling less panicked now...lol

I still feel nervous but am sure that is pretty normal and to be expected, does anyone know how long I will be in hospital for?
Don't worry, sweetie ... this happened to me. I went for my pre assessment on the 19/09, phonecall to give me a date 26/09, op 3/10 :eek: I only had 6 days on milk diet, was fine & so will you be. I am back home in rude health (ish) & all in less than 3 weeks. Good luck, chuck ... will be thinking of you xxx :):)
great news on the date as GOOD LUCK and look forward to hearing from you after the surgery x