Kaz, dumping happens to bypassers if/ when we consume sugars and fats. In a layperson's terms - It's due to malabsorption as fats and sugars are processed 'neat' by the small intestine newly attached to the bottom of our pouch. In a non-bypassed person they would be first processed by the stomach before passing into the small intestine. For us, the body sends emergency troops to the gut to deal with the unexpected substances. Everyone is different in what percentages they can tolerate but the consequences are common to all - nausea, giddiness, cold sweats, hot flushes, shaking, diarrhoea. It is very unpleasant indeed and can be immediate or can come a few hours later. We can also dump if we drink with food. It is for life. For me I don't eat a high amount of fat (never have), but sugary foods I do. I aim for 7% or less sugar (the lower the better). Trust me dumping is so vile it puts you off ever wanting those foods again.
I would add, that it is a fundamental of life after a bypass and your provider should ensure you are fully aware ... There really is no negotiation with our bypassed systems as far as sugar is concerned. I recommend you access as much info on the matter as you can, as if you are caught out it can have consequences, especially if you are away from home, out of reach of a loo, or (God forbid) driving. xx