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oooo get me and my new dress size...


New Member
For the first time ever I have bought an item of clothing from a high street supermarket and it fits. YAY. I had my op on 29th July and on that day I wore a snug size 32 top. Today I bought a jersey top from Sainsburys which is a size 24. I bought it with the intention of putting it away until it fitted but hey ho it fits right now. And to prove it's not just a fluke I bought another size 24 top in a completely different style and that fits too. It's good news week in the paddy p household.

On a different note, I am never ever ever ever ever ever ever eating roast beef again. My friend gave me a tiny slice of freshly cooked roast beef and boy oh boy am i paying the price for it. It's sitting there, in a lump, wedged in my pouch and occasionally it kicks me. HARD!!!! bye bye roast beef :wave_cry:
Isn't it great, not only to be going down through the sizes, but also to be able to get them from a supermarket or similar.

I've found a love for Primark LOL and my son bought a jumper for me for my birthday and its a 14! A year ago I was a plus size 34/36.

And yes, beef can often be the difficult one because of the type of meat it is, unless its minced :(
Yay enjoy it. I'm the same with roast beef! Spent a whole day foaming and throwing up a few weeks ago.
I thought that too paddyp and I still have a good 3+ stone to lose, but when I was there at 24+ stone last year, I never thought I'd be where I am now . . .
Woo hoo! Many congrats! You must be chuffed to bits.

I get most of my clothes in Sainsburys, especially jeans - they do some good stuff.

Bad news on the roast beef though. It's overrated anyway ;-)
Missing my roast beef but haven't tried it yet as I'm too scared to :eek: . I'm bad enough with chicken!
Congratulations! Brilliant loss!

I have gone from a 24/26 top 22 bottom to a 12/14 top and 12 bottom which I am loving!

I must be lucky, I can eat all meat with no probs. when I had my band all meat was a no-go though :( I feel for you! Xx
Well done you, that's a great result (size 32 to size 24!!). I'm an Asda fan myself, love their leggings and their size 18 (can't believe I'm an 18) straight legged jeans.
Goodness I so love losing this weight!!
I'm seeing my family next weekend for the first time since I got my sleeve (June 2013) and know they'll all be totally chuffed for me.
Happy smiley times!
Watch out because clothes shopping becomes addictive! Just aswell though because in a few weeks, the 24's will be hanging off you!
awwww that's great Sharon :D I love new clothes, my sister says my onesie should be called a twosie and that my leggings r flared hahahaha :D x I struggle with chicken and meats but the other day I managed salmon again but I flaked it like tuna. So ive decided to grate my piece of meat from now on :D, do u mind me asking but are u eating from a side plate size now ? whats ur menu's like on a typical day, I am always interested on what others are eating makes me feel like I am doing it right x