Sorry for a poor introduction.... will try again
I hate talking about myself so this kind of thing is hard.
I have been battling with my weight for years, consistantly gaining since i was about 15 years old. I have tried (and i guess most of you have too) various slimming clubs, diets, fitness camps, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, meal replacement programs, slimming tablets, prescription drugs...everything! I would manage, with alot of time and patience to loose small amounts of weight, but within a year i gained what weight i lost plus that amount again.
It was not till I got married and wanted a family did i realise exactly how big i am and the number of health issues i have because of the weight.
I cannot say that i had a specific "Ah ha" momment, but several things over the last 2 years made me research bariatric surgery as a way to get my life back. This surgery is not available at all on the NHS where i live and i was very lucky to have a family member offer to send me private.
In reading your stories and posts i am relieved to know that other people have been in similar situations and have created a new slimmer life for themselves. you are all an inspiration to me! Thank you