Everyone gets scared just before the surgery, it is a big deal and it's natural. It's a big deal because it's a pretty major op but mainly because life will be different..try not to focus on what you don't want though...think about what you do want and your mind will help you achieve it xxx Changes are scary but this one is for the better..it may not be plain sailing and there probably will be moments of difficulty after surgery. However if you read how others are doing you will see that even people that have had rough moments after bypass always say how much more they are enjoying life and how much more well and happy they are...I don't think I have read many accounts of anyones life being worse after. The problems you feel might be ahead are going to be nothing compared to the feeling of achievement when the weight starts whizzing off, and the feeling of being comfortable with your body and growing in confidence as the weight continues to go, leaving you free to get out there and enjoy life and be true to the person you are inside x
I wish you well and I would really strongly encourage you to keep reading and posting on here as you will find that we know how you feel and also from experience , have lots of ideas that work to help you through wobbly moments and doubts/worries no matter how difficult you might believe this will be x You'll be OK , just remember to think about the good things !