chubby funster
New Member
So, I had my bypass Tuesday 28th. As of Tuesday afternoon this week, I was told to go onto puree stage. As is the common theme on here, I've been told to have three meals a day (most seem to be told 4-6??). I've been having...
Breakfast: One quarter/one half of a weetabix (seems to vary)
with skimmed milk
Lunch: 1/5 tin of tinned stewed steak, one "disc" of aunt bessies frozen mash with about 10g of cheese on and some milk to "thin it out".
Tea (or for the non northerners Dinner!
Bowl of home made butternut squash and sweet potato soup. With a bit of cheese in for protein.
Tonight however, I had half a weight watchers cottage pie.
I've also tried to have a large glass of milk somewhere in between, again for the protein!
Do you think the meals are too big? I am really worrying about everything at the minute! I think I might give the team a call on Monday, but any advise gratefully received!!!!
Thanks for your help!!! :sigh:
Breakfast: One quarter/one half of a weetabix (seems to vary)
with skimmed milk
Lunch: 1/5 tin of tinned stewed steak, one "disc" of aunt bessies frozen mash with about 10g of cheese on and some milk to "thin it out".
Tea (or for the non northerners Dinner!
Tonight however, I had half a weight watchers cottage pie.
I've also tried to have a large glass of milk somewhere in between, again for the protein!
Do you think the meals are too big? I am really worrying about everything at the minute! I think I might give the team a call on Monday, but any advise gratefully received!!!!
Thanks for your help!!! :sigh: