New Member
I've been having lots of bowel problems - won't go into too much detail except to say I hate going out in public if I don't know where there's a loo and lots of other nasty things I'd rather not go into. It's not dumping and is an everyday problem now.:cry:
Anyway GP thinks I might have pancreatic insufficiency and I wondered if anyone else has had this, heard of it or can offer any suggestions. Research on web seems to agree with my symptoms apart from not suffering any weight loss, unfortunately, I've been static for months even though I need to lose more.
Being referred back to team on urgent basis as not due to be seen again before June (if I'm lucky) they seem to have a different time scale to me for check ups.
Really tired all the time, taking all my meds and B12 jabs so no idea why nearly 18 months after op I should be having problems.
Be interested to see if I'm alone in this.

Anyway GP thinks I might have pancreatic insufficiency and I wondered if anyone else has had this, heard of it or can offer any suggestions. Research on web seems to agree with my symptoms apart from not suffering any weight loss, unfortunately, I've been static for months even though I need to lose more.
Being referred back to team on urgent basis as not due to be seen again before June (if I'm lucky) they seem to have a different time scale to me for check ups.
Really tired all the time, taking all my meds and B12 jabs so no idea why nearly 18 months after op I should be having problems.
Be interested to see if I'm alone in this.