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Panic - DOnt want to get Ill now


New Member
my tummy has taken exception to the milk - i have major diarrhea. I am hoping this is down to the change in diet.

Everyone at work and at home has had a flue/cold bug I have smugly been sat there thinking OOH look cos i am taking my multivits i am ok... but since i got my date for surgery i am panicking mroe about getting it.

Short of strapping on a face mask and wearing gloves and getting OCD with the hand scrub not much i can do about it....

I guess if i was gonna get it i would have already right?

Has anyone been too ill for the surgery? And what constitutes too ill?
I came down with a flu the week before my op, lost my voice was horse and felt awful, I ran to my Dr's with the quickness for antibiotics because NOTHING was gonna delay my surgery.

Hope you feel better soon, but I'd say take something just as a precaution.
sometimes i think the anxiety and anticipation of it all gets us to the point of breaking just before suregery, I know I felt at my physical and emotional weakest at that point
It's so great you posted this. My surgery is this coming Monday the 10th and my 18month old comes down with a stomach bug yesterday and I was freaking out. I got a little diarrhea but then was ok. I think my nerves did more then the bug, the closer to Monday I get the more nervous I am, it's just good to hear other people say they were emotionally weak because that's how I am right now and I thought it was just me. Best wishes and if it takes being OCD do it lol, here if you have even the slightest cough, fever, or change they will post pone the surgery by at least a week.
I know exactly how you are feeling... as a diabetic... plus post cancer patient, I'm prone to infections and had pleurisy in October... I'm virtually cutting myself off socially because of running the risk of picking things up...

It's a worry for those pending because of the 'flu bug too... but I'm not going to get overly stressed about it...

Take one day at a time, deal with things as they arise and keep positive...

Hoping you don't hit operation delays for any reason.... since they always tell us to call up on the morning of admission... but I'm saying to myself... what will be will be and whatever comes... I'm going to take it and get on...

Wishing 'smooth sailing' for everyone.

Love and hugs xxx
thanks for your words of support guys....

Bev you really are great at putting my mind at ease.... its true what will be will be...

Tummy wise i have the runs oh so bad...but the nurse at my pre op said that's usual and i should be fine...its my body reacting to the milk diet....

cold/flu wise, people are keeping away from me friends wont visit if they are ill and at work if someone is snuffly they are just sending me texts ~lol~ which works in theory unless i am in the middle of filming and screw up a vid due to my phone going off ~lol~

fingers crossed all will go well and here's too not getting ill
Hi Scarlet - I know exactly how you feel - my op is a week today and I had my assessment on Friday and after going through the procedure they mentioned that if I became sick they wouldn't operate - it's hard having an op at this time of year because of all the bugs going around so I am also becoming a recluse for the next week (I am lucky enough to have the option to work from home) and alienating anyone that even clears their throat around me lol - I am just glad to read that I am not alone! Good luck with your op, not long now, and I can't wait to hear all your post-op tales! :) xx

i got sick over xmas and spent my week off work in bed. I got an antibiotic from the docs which helped improve my chest. But i still had bad cough the week b4 my surgery.

My doc examined me and said my chest was completely clear and as i didnt have a temp i should be ok.

But when i got to the hospital, i made sure i had used olbas oil for an hr before checking in to clear my throat a bit. When they asked me if i had a cough or cold i said no (btw i am not advocating telling lies!!)...

Anyways, after op i realised my cough was gone. mum thinks it was the oxygen i was on.

In relation to the upset tummy - i had that on my pre-op diet so wouldnt worry too much about it.

The best of luck for ur op xx
Thanks guys for the reassurance - I have lost my voice but I'm putting that down too 3 hours guitar and singing :) not cause I am ill :) 3 days I should be ok I hope!!! I really hope so...

Tummy still playing merry hell tho - think it's making a last stand