Hi guys
I am just venturing in here as I have made a very tiny first step of approaching my GP re. weight loss surgery. He was very supportive, has set the ball rolling, and I am trying to read up lots.
I have seen some figures on some info websites, about the percentage of your excess weight lost after the different types of surgery. Obviously the weight loss is good, but the heighest seemed to be 70 something % ish, haven't got the figures exactly.
I was just wondering, whether this is standard, or just averages? Because you can lose 100% of your excess weight on a diet? I lost all of mine on cambridge, diet pills and rosemary conley and also calorie counting for example. Of course I put it all back with interest
Which is why I am in this position now.
I am having difficulty explaining what I mean!
Is it because you physically can't lose more weight after the surgery? Or could you cut down more on food or something? Or that you rely on the surgery to cause all of your weightloss, and try to cheat?
I am not sure I want to have major surgery that could kill me if I will still be overweight are plump or not as slim as I could be afterwards, and even worse, what if you couldn't do anything about it because it's part of the operation....
Anyone have a clue what I'm on about and have any thoughts?
I am just venturing in here as I have made a very tiny first step of approaching my GP re. weight loss surgery. He was very supportive, has set the ball rolling, and I am trying to read up lots.
I have seen some figures on some info websites, about the percentage of your excess weight lost after the different types of surgery. Obviously the weight loss is good, but the heighest seemed to be 70 something % ish, haven't got the figures exactly.
I was just wondering, whether this is standard, or just averages? Because you can lose 100% of your excess weight on a diet? I lost all of mine on cambridge, diet pills and rosemary conley and also calorie counting for example. Of course I put it all back with interest
I am having difficulty explaining what I mean!
I am not sure I want to have major surgery that could kill me if I will still be overweight are plump or not as slim as I could be afterwards, and even worse, what if you couldn't do anything about it because it's part of the operation....
Anyone have a clue what I'm on about and have any thoughts?