My oh my, I had it REALLY bad a couple of years ago.
I had every treatment going, including physio, infa-red treatment & steroid injections (The most painful thing I have EVER had in all my life!!!!!)
I was on dihydracodeine & ketoprofen to try and help with the pain, so felt like a zombie alot of the time as these are both super-strong!
I had to wear orthotics in my shoes, and could barely walk for about 9 months, the worst time being when I just got out of bed, I couldn't put any weight on it at all!!
It eventually got better, & I haven't had any trouble since, but I do have to wear Birkenstocks all the time (I have 6 pairs!) I can't wear normal shoes with a flat insole, as I now need the support.
Good luck with it honey, I really hope you get better soon, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!