PLEASE someone help me!!!! after being refered to my local PCT by my doctor back in january.. i hadent heard a thing! so I actually got in touch with my PCT myself.. to find out only on friday my paperwork etc had been lost!! however the pct have come back to my doctor, does any one know what i could be expecting? think its further info they require.. but in general im just keen to get an idea if all goes well and i get the funding how long i can expect to wait before i have the surgery and the next stages in general.. any info at all i would be grateful!!! thanks!
Hi Cherry
Welcome to the site . I`m sorry that they lost your paper work but I think the Doctor should be able to fax the info to them . Have you been to see the consultant yet . Have you got any illnesses that will help your case . The should be someone a long shortly that will be able to help you better than me . Good luck with your weight loss journey . Take care .
thankyou.. yeh finally they have faxed it across only after i took the fax number down from a lady at the pct and contacted and gave my doctor the fax number.. its just a shame really because its been 6 months wasted. No i havent even seen a consultant yet.. thats the thing if i get the funding i have no clue what to expect next and the process of it all in general..
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