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I cant get my head into eating properly!!! i just want to eat and eat and eat! I truely cant see how i am going to cope with my pre-op. x:cry:
Carebear I am in that place at the moment. I can't stop thinking about food but I have a hospital appt in 4 weeks and I HAVE to have lost weight by then or I am definately being discharged and if I don't get this surgery I honestly don't think I'll have more than a couple of years left.

I am at slimming world and following the plan but every minute is a struggle as I'm craving bad foods. You will cope with the pre op - it's a different thing then as it's a means to an end x
I know exactly where you're coming from and I've used this last week as my 'goodbye to junk' week. I am soooo sick of junk food now lol, and when i start my milk diet tomorrow I don't think I'll be craving anything. If I get stupidly hungry I'm going to eat a bag of salad as I know hunger keeps me awake at night, BUT having consumed a few whey protein drinks this week as a tester I don't think that's going to happen :)

Good luck x
You'll cope because you have to. If we were all honest, I'd say the majority of us went a bit mad before starting our pre op diet, it's only natural. Keep thinking of all the reasons your doing this and putting yourself through life changing surgery. I bet you'll be so focussed when you start your pre op diet, you'll be wondering what you were worrying about xx
Thank you for all your kind words of encouragment. I really going to get focused now. i have just spent the last two weeks eating everything i wanted and i just keep thinking i'll start tomorrow. I know i got to get to grips with eating properly... its because i do know how serious this is and that i am allowing myself to fail that is why i feel such a failer and so depressed x
Ditto to all of the above - I've had a mad week and a half having everything I 'loved' food wise; but now on day 2 of the preop and doing ok I think! Keeping busy is what works for me. That and telling myself that if I don't stick to it I won't get the surgery....
PS you're not a failure - you CAN do this.
Carebear - every single person on these boards has an eating problem. We all struggle every day. Keep reminding yourself what its for - make yourself accountable - tell everyone how you're doing, keep yourself busy - start your motivational box now - I just bought mine and will be taking my first foray into decoupage. Cross stitching, knitting, playing an instrument - anything that keeps the hands busy will keep you from straying. And above all, trust yourself. Trust that you are doing the right thing- we are under so much stress preop and its natural to want to eat. If you feel yourself weakening ask yourself - are you making the choice to break your preop diet?
I feel I'm at that point just think of food all the time but hate at the same time must be cos we no things are going to change for life, bit like saying goodbye to an old life if that makes sense
It's amazing how "easy" the pre-op diet is when it is drummed into you at your 2 weeks before final assesment that you run this risk of liver damage, full open surgery or no surgery on the day if you don't follow it to the letter. Also, hard as it is hunger wise, the hunger doesn't come back post op and your body has got used to so much less food. My top tip would be to try really hard to cut down on sugar before the prep diet though as I had massive withdrawal symptoms for 3 days. Best of luck.
Ditto to all of the above - I've had a mad week and a half having everything I 'loved' food wise; but now on day 2 of the preop and doing ok I think! Keeping busy is what works for me. That and telling myself that if I don't stick to it I won't get the surgery....

Hi which pre op one are you doing? I may get to meet you as I am coming in on the 21st ready for my op!