New Member
Hello all,
Please forgive me a little whinge, it's 48 hours since my band operation and I'm feeling very tearful and sorry for myself. I'm suffering from horrible shoulder pain and intense pain around my port, all of which I understand is normal and expected but I'm not so great at dealing with it
my natural response to feeling this way would have been to eat, so I'm feeling doubly sorry for myself! I suppose it's actually quite a positive thing that I can no longer use food in an unhealthy way as a crutch, but I find myself worrying about never being able to enjoy food again. I suppose what I'm looking for is a bit of reassurance that it will get better, the pain will go and I'll be able to enjoy food in a healthy way again!
Sorry for the whinge, no idea why I'm quite so tearful!
Please forgive me a little whinge, it's 48 hours since my band operation and I'm feeling very tearful and sorry for myself. I'm suffering from horrible shoulder pain and intense pain around my port, all of which I understand is normal and expected but I'm not so great at dealing with it
Sorry for the whinge, no idea why I'm quite so tearful!