Hiya... I am 8 weeks post op, and for me my average day is;
- slice of wholemeal toast for breakfast, with Bertolli Light and some Marmite or a poached egg
- a milky coffee for mid-morning, maybe with a Rich Tea if I feel like it, but usually on it's own
- lunch is either salad with a low fat/low sugar vegetable quarterpounder or something similar
- mid-afternoon, around 4pm, I will have either another cuppa with a biccie or a packet of Ryvita Minis (Sweet Chilli is the best one!) If I want something sweet, I will have a packet of Special K bites (yum! Thanks for rec' them, Shel!!!)
- around 7 or 8pm, I will have either a can (400ml) of soup or a supermarket's own chilled readymeal, like a 300g portion of Bombay Aloo or some Healthy Choices pasta with tomatoes (if it's pasta, I will halve this and put the remaining half in the fridge to have the next day.) If I have a Quorn S Pie, I will have 150g of it with two dsrtspoons of baked beans and a little sprinkle of low fat cheese, so I get my protein
I also make chunky homemade soups, pasta with low fat tomato sauces and Indian dals and sabjis with a little EV Olive Oil instead of higher fat oils. I absolutely adore crunchy salads with raw cabbage at the moment, and a nice dollop of <1% Cottage Cheese with chopped tomatoes and cucumber!!! I tell you, this bypass has rewired my tastebuds!!!
When I am at work (I work nights) I tend not to take a cooked meal in with me - I take a homemade sarnie into work and eat half at 2am and the other half around 5am. I will then drink tea or water through the night.
I don't always finish my meals, but I eat until I start to feel full and then leave it - the dog is loving it!!!
I love the fact that I don't crave junk food anymore... I can happily sit there while people eat fried food, crisps, chocolate and coke, and I don't even give it a second thought. I was at work last night, and it was one of the resident's birthdays - huge cake, but I wasn't even tempted to nick a smidge from it at all! It's fab!!!
In the first 6 weeks, I was a bit worried about what I ate, thinking that I was eating too much (despite evidence to the contrary, like fitting into clothes I haven't been able to wear since 2000, slipping behind the wheel without having to adjust the seat, and getting those much loved compliments!!!

) but when Shaw saw an email compiling an average day, he assured me that it is not too much and I was doing just fine.
I've lost nearly three stone and am feeling fab
At the end of the day, do and eat what feels ok to you... we are all different, we all need different amounts and no two people are the same.
I'm starting at a gym soon (it has that Power Plate!!!

) so I know that I will be burning off lots more!!!
Some people I know can eat chocolate, but I just have to have a cup a soup and I'm 'bezzie mates' with my toilet!!!
Right... waaay TMI... I'm off before I embarrass myself anymore!!!