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Post operative blues?!?!?!?


New Member
Your worthy opinions and thoughts on this would be most appreciated please. The day after my bypass, although I was relieved everything had gone ok and I wasnt in terrible pain, I did have real feeling of deflation, sadness and vulnerability about what I'd had done. Whilst I went into this with a positive outlook about the benefits, knowing it had to be done for a whole range of reasons, I sort of felt disapointed in myself that it had come to me doing such a drastic thing??? As the days have passed, I feel less like this but did have a cry to myself today. My sister was lovely and we chatted about how big a deal it was and is, and that maybe although I know my future will be healthier and slimmer I'm kinda mourning my old self?!?!? Dunno if that makes sense? I've always been Claire, the funny, charismatic, loving, affectionate, caring person ( i know that sounds up my own ass) but because I've been big for so long, the big body kinda went with the package. Oh this all sounds mental?!?!

Hi clare sorry your feeling this way, a lot of it will be down to the anaesthetic (sp)...I did not feel this way I felt that I was on the cusp of something new and exciting. Not to say I did not cry once but that was down to being not able to drive and my son having a hissy fit when I asked him to go to the shops for me....I am sure its natural though and would not worry. Its early days for you and your body is going through some major adjustments, it will settle down and when the weight starts to come off you will realise it was the right thing to do. Sometimes in life we have to make big scarifices to get where we want to be and this has been one of those times....((hug)), dry your eyes and look forward not back, a whole new life is out there which will be much better than the old because food will not rule your life.....xx
cheers charliegirl.

You are right of course!! There is the being cooped up in the house, not being able to drive, feeling like an overflated balloon. It all adds up but yeah overall a small price to pay in relation to the benefits when they start showing. I guess I'm just impatient.

Thanks again x
Hi Claire in the first few weeks following my bypass i had major up's and downs. alot of this was around losing my comfort eating and adapting to my new lifestyle. as time has gone on my new lifestyle has become normal and the downs have become less frequent.

try to keep you chin up hun you are doing so well and it is normal to have ups and downs babe. hope you feel better soon x
ever you will still be the funny charismatic person you ever were only with more confidence as you wont need to hide behind your weight any more you must have reach a point in your life where this was your only choice and now youve past that point so sit back and enjoy finding the real you
I think what people fail to see sometimes is that prior to the surgery we had emotions, some good but lots bad. Just because we have surgery doesn't mean those emotions are switched off.

I still get the "blues" even now. I do sometimes mourn the past but I know my future is there now. Before the surgery my health was getting bad and my doctor said if I carried on I would die young.

I now feel I have given myself a second chance and although that is exciting, it has a double edge and that is the future feels daunting too.

If you need to talk, I am here, as are loads of lovely people.

This is one hell of a rollercoaster....
thanks guys - you are all so lovely!!

Everyone that has responded so far has said what I would say! Just wanted to add that I have read about (and felt it too) people getting home from the op and feeling sad. You feel like you are not your old self but not quite your new self yet. You went to all the trouble to have surgery but you are not 'fixed' yet, that part is to come as the weight drops off. It is completely normal and it will pass, your swelling will go down, you will feel the weight coming off and you will feel better. Don't worry about feeling down, just know that the best bits are yet to come and boy are they worth it!!
Everyone that has responded so far has said what I would say! Just wanted to add that I have read about (and felt it too) people getting home from the op and feeling sad. You feel like you are not your old self but not quite your new self yet. You went to all the trouble to have surgery but you are not 'fixed' yet, that part is to come as the weight drops off. It is completely normal and it will pass, your swelling will go down, you will feel the weight coming off and you will feel better. Don't worry about feeling down, just know that the best bits are yet to come and boy are they worth it!!
Cheers phatgirl,

I think you may have hit the nail on the head there!!! I am expecting immediate gratification from this and of course it will just happen in stages!! I guess what I would normally do for immediate gratification would be to head for the chippy or a nice sandwich etc....etc.... especially if I felt down. Not able to do that though and I KNOW in time, I'll be grateful and soon come to terms with what soothes me instead of a quick fix of carbs, fat or sugar.

So anyways, what part of sunny Salford you from?

I live near to the University of Salford (less than 2 miles away). Sunny, ha ha ha! I like it because it is kinda central & can be in downtown in minutes.
I live near to the University of Salford (less than 2 miles away). Sunny, ha ha ha! I like it because it is kinda central & can be in downtown in minutes.

I asked coz one of our offices is right near the precinct and I know parts of Salford very well, although I am a Manchester gal born and bred (well apart from my Scottish and Irish parents)!! I'm in Stockport now. I think I missed the boat when there was a 'Manchester Minimins Meet' recently so if there was likely to be another in the pipeline, I'd sure like to meet up with you and some of the others.
A couple of days after my op & was crying all day - not at all like me! I was really down in a "what have I done" mode. But it passed, as did the other emotional stuff! It is only in the past few weeks I have started to look ahead & not regret it!

Like Tammy said ...

... in the first few weeks following my bypass i had major up's and downs. alot of this was around losing my comfort eating and adapting to my new lifestyle. as time has gone on my new lifestyle has become normal and the downs have become less frequent ...

It all passes in the end! :)
Another factor to consider is a feeling of 'anti climax'. Not in a negative sense, but to me it seems we have a big build up to the event itself (crikey, it's all us pre-op wannabelosers talk about! :D) and then wham! we're done and dusted and on the start of the next chapter which is very real (the pain is testament to that).

The nearest experience I can imagine it might be similar to is a Caesarean birth. For 9 months you have the big build up, then it's slash and grab and there ye go!

I may be wrong, but just a thought!
Another factor to consider is a feeling of 'anti climax'. Not in a negative sense, but to me it seems we have a big build up to the event itself (crikey, it's all us pre-op wannabelosers talk about! :D) and then wham! we're done and dusted and on the start of the next chapter which is very real (the pain is testament to that).

The nearest experience I can imagine it might be similar to is a Caesarean birth. For 9 months you have the big build up, then it's slash and grab and there ye go!

I may be wrong, but just a thought!
Hiya Brunetteandred,

I think you are so right with that!! Having had three kids (although not c section), it is a bit like that. All the build up, discussion, prep, anticipation, anxiety, excitement, birth, blood, guts, indignity, aches, pains, no sleep, then you feel like youve been hit by a truck and just wanna go and lie down. I know what you are thinking!!! WHY ON EARTH DID YOU HAVE THREE?!?!?!? ;)