New Member
Your worthy opinions and thoughts on this would be most appreciated please. The day after my bypass, although I was relieved everything had gone ok and I wasnt in terrible pain, I did have real feeling of deflation, sadness and vulnerability about what I'd had done. Whilst I went into this with a positive outlook about the benefits, knowing it had to be done for a whole range of reasons, I sort of felt disapointed in myself that it had come to me doing such a drastic thing??? As the days have passed, I feel less like this but did have a cry to myself today. My sister was lovely and we chatted about how big a deal it was and is, and that maybe although I know my future will be healthier and slimmer I'm kinda mourning my old self?!?!? Dunno if that makes sense? I've always been Claire, the funny, charismatic, loving, affectionate, caring person ( i know that sounds up my own ass) but because I've been big for so long, the big body kinda went with the package. Oh this all sounds mental?!?!