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:confused:Confused. I'm 8 days post op.
Finally getting over the surgery. Having soups and milky porridge. Issue i'm having is i don't feel full or feel hungry at the moment? (wasn't expecting to feel hungry until about 6 months after)
I've read lots of people talking about the pouch becoming uncomfortably full. What have i done wrong. I can eat about 1/2 a tin of soup.

Also read about sipping when drinking, i started like this but soon learned no pain or discomfort when i took a few mistaken big mouthfuls?

Whats gone wrong?
Any advice would be appreciated...... or am i worrying over nothing
Hey am 7days post op and am the same, I fond I'm having to remember I need to eat something.

Hopefully someone longer post op will be along to help us both x

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I am the same only just 2 weeks out and am never hungry (apart from head hunger). I eat at breakfast, lunch and tea because the clock says I should. I dont feel full either so just eating what I think is enough, I'm scared to eat too much. I'm sippng as much fluids as possible x
I never seem hungry or full it's so weird, I'm scared am eating to much, bit I never get a pain or am sick or feel funny after.

This morning I ate a mashed weetabix with hot milk and that went down no problem, but I here of people only eating half, I don't know if I'm putting too much into my pouch.... I'm so confused it's unreal


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Trust me ladies you will soon start to feel restriction, I am only 4 weeks out, however over the last week I cant eat hardly anywhere near as much as I could in weeks 1-3. I guess at the stage you are, your tummy is still swollen so can take more, but as the swelling comes down, the tummy shrinks and thats when you notice a difference.

Also I was told to eat a little, then put your cutlery down, then eat again, its a whole new learning curve for us, so take your time now.

Make sure u drink plenty though, its so important to be hydrated.
I'm nearly 3wks out and don't feel hungry and have to remember to eat, occasional discomfort/feel full after I eat but that could be trapped wind. My problem is getting liquids in I manage about 2 cups of tea a day sometimes 1/2pt milk and about 100mls nas squash. No where near enough I must try harder especially ready for Spain as it's going to be hot hot hot! My aim over the next 2wks is to try to drink more and if safe for me get closer to eating solids, I am getting good support & guidance from the dietitian as she knew about this trip before I had the surgery. But if I don't get to that point safely then I have things I can take with me or have checked out the menus my friend copied and can mash a lot of it if needs be.
Find a nas squash you really like,it helps getting the fluids in and dont forget icepops are fluid too.Asda do spring water ones with flavourings 50 in pack only cheap!
I like a sharp taste so its Roses lime juice for me,not sugar free but used very diluted.its ok.Lashings off crushed ice.
Am having to time mine to make sure I get it in, so I saymust have a litre by 12.30 then must have a litre by 5.30 and must try for another litre by 10.30 as it's the only way I can get it in, it's so hard on the liquid stage as u get sick xxx

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Doing well so far today 1/2 a cup of tea before it went cold, 500ml nas squash about 375ml smoothie (homemade , milk, 0% Greek yoghurt, strawberries & blueberries). Started on another 500ml bottle of nas squash now so will see how much I can get through before bed allowing for non drinking time either side of tea. So a litre so far getting better now to keep it up and improve on it. A few more of these smoothies and it might work. Lol just need the room in the pouch to take it.
Oooh am gonna have to try my hand at some smoothies.

My team said to just check my wee n if it's dark drink more as everyone is different xxx

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It's normal to not feel full on liquids, as these pass straight through the stoma, unlike normal foods which fill up the pouch quickly. As you move on to solids you'll soon see a difference!

3 years post op and hunger is rare here ;)

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While you are on liquids and puree's you won't feel the restriction of your small tum. At the moment your stomach is a bit like a egg timer, your pouring fluids in and it's sliding out the other end. As you get onto more solid foods the grains of sand will be a lot bigger and you will feel full after a very small amount, trust me!

I do feel hunger but the difference for me nowadays (13 months post op) is that 2 cups of coffee and the hunger is gone or delayed...
I'm also having trouble with this. I'm never ever feel hungry but i can't register when i am full either. I've had a bit of dinner today. All in all there was about 5 tbls of food on my plate, all pureed to perfection and after about 3 tbls i was sick. Didn't see it coming!!!