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Pre-op diet boo boo - 10lbs back on !!!!!!!!

Fat Again

New Member
Can you blinking believe this.

My op is on the 15th November, so I decided to start my pre op diet a week early.

Did well all week Mon-Fri, and lost 7lb, however over the weekend had a few final treats before I really get down to the pre-op diet for good.

How fu**ed off am I, not only have I put back on the 7lb I lost, but an extra 3lb on top.

How is this physically possible, I never stuffed my face for gods sake.

I seriously need this operation more than ever, my body is so messed up !
Don't panic! You still have plenty of time to get back on track. Some peeps only have to do the pre-op diet for 1 week. I lost 5lbs in 2 days then put 2 back on without breaking the diet. The body does weird things when you start messing it about. Just put it behind you, you can't undo it. Buckle down and make a fresh start. Just think of the prize at the end.

John xx
FA - Take a breath. It really isnt the end of the world! Your still 13 days away from ya op! Turn things around from today and concentrate on shrinking that liver. The point of the pre op imo isnt to lose weight, its purely to make the liver smaller therefore making the op easier and therefore not having to undergo open surgery.

Once you reach your op date and its all done it will all be worth it and the real weight loss will start.

Remember we cant change the past, we can only affect the future, so dont look back on the weight gain, look forward to ya op and the new u!!!!

I am sure you will loose that this week, it is so unfair how quickly weight goes back on. I had to fill out some paperwork at the hospital last week for my sleep apneoa tests and it asked if I had put weight on recently and in how long. I was really disgusted with myself because it was only when writing it down that I realised I had put on about 5 stone in a year.
It might be some water retention. Don't fret over it, just keep going with the pre-op from this point on.
just get back on track and concentrate on looking forward - 6 months from now you will be a shadow of your former self - stick rigidly to the diet and all will be well.