see your doctor see if you can have help from dietician x
there was I thinking I was the only one! I too have let myself go ,it kind of creep in Christmas time ive been so good for soo long and I used the holidays to over eat increase my portion sizes even after the break up till yesterday I was eating too much when I didn't need it I weighted myself yesterday and I have put on I think about 10lbs!!
im so ashamed off myself been such a fool and letting myself down ive kept off around 2 stone in weight of for over a year now and im scared that if I cant control myself before the band what will I be like after?
im due to go to barts in a couple of weeks and im dreading it ,what if they turn me down ?
can they do that?
I could heartily kick myself
guess I will have to give myself a real good telling off and try to get myself back on track
I wish now that Christmas had never happened
sorry for the long rant/moan I only have myself to blame
thanks for that rainbow, your right in saying that at least I knew what I was doing I just didn't stop myself blaming Christmas
its only Christmas ,it comes once a year
go on treat yourself !
you`ve been soo good all year!
even as im typing this I feel sick ,ive not even changed the weight on my profile cant bear to see the difference!
what makes me mad is I don't feel fat(does that make sense?)
my clothes don't feel tight im not out of breath I thought I would feel different
for me its about portion sizes ,sweets don't bother me nor cakes im more savory and big portions
what I need to do is...
plan my meals
pre make my meals
use small tuberware pots to control my portion sizes
don't shop when im hungry
get back on the 4 min execise zumba plan I found on you tube plus this beyonce video track called "move your body"when I first started doing this I was proper puffing then before I knew it I was keeping up with her!
all these things work for me so as you said
........feeling a bit better now
thanks x
Beyoncé - Move Your Body ( OFFICIAL VIDEO! ) - YouTube
the beyonce clip I was telling you about....I will do it all this week and not die on the spot!
Zumba for Big Girls! Zumba With Sunshine 8.16.11 - YouTube
now this girl is good! I when I did it every night before bed did keep up with her I will also do this...right now
wish me luck !
Guys..... I've dun it too...we probably pretty much all have which is why we're here anyway!
Don't look absolutely can't change past & re-living it & beating yourselves up doesn't change it (done that to the point that my self-esteem was non.existent.
Clamber back on the wagon & keep makin little changes, they all add to the end ultimate goal
Hugs to you all....really hit a cord with me this post xxx:grouphugg::grouphugg::grouphugg:
Thanks hunthats so sweet of you x x x I think its really hard to admit to our downfalls (i know i've not mentioned mine before tonight) but sometimes its great to get it out there and know that your not alone.
Its too great to reach out and join hands and help each other thrubless you x x x
i feel soo much better for sharing so will try my hardest not too look back and look forward just done my 2 keep fit you tube clips and feel great have put out my breakfast things out
mini weighting scales
fancy alpen thing
plain yougurt
threw away the sweets and toot
clean slate
thanks again guys ....your great!xx