After some advice really
I'm just over a month away from my gastric sleeve which I can't wait now
One of the things I'm worried about is once I've had my sleeve what protein shakes to buy
I don't have a clue what to buy as I'm in the uk and the ones I see talked about are from the USA
Now my idea was to have a shake for lunch every day as I'm so busy at work I'm worried about eating
So I was going to mix my protein shakes with frozen fruits etc depending on the taste
Can any one give me a few ideas on what shakes are best uk brands please
After some advice really
I'm just over a month away from my gastric sleeve which I can't wait now
One of the things I'm worried about is once I've had my sleeve what protein shakes to buy
I don't have a clue what to buy as I'm in the uk and the ones I see talked about are from the USA
Now my idea was to have a shake for lunch every day as I'm so busy at work I'm worried about eating
So I was going to mix my protein shakes with frozen fruits etc depending on the taste
Can any one give me a few ideas on what shakes are best uk brands please