Hello there

I'm only a month out so I dnt know if I'd be as much help as my lovely wise friends here! Lol!!
My thoughts and feelings as a recovering binge eater and food addict in relation to the surgery are really fresh though so I hope I can help a lil.
I would consider myself to have had a major food addiction and even after I stopped binging ( with the help of counselling) I was still eating quite big portions of "healthy" stuff and did binge on junk 2 more times during 9 months before my op.. Or I should say I tried to as it was nowhere near my previous amounts and I didn't enjoy it. Those episodes were of course triggered by emotions/boredom so I managed to get myself in check.
My two weeks pre op was 100x harder than the past 4 weeks and the actual surgery combined especially throwing my 25th birthday bang in the middle if my pre op. Honestly! I went through a grieving food stage from the day I was given my date (2 months ago) right until the day of surgery And that's just me being honest. I felt I was losing my best friend and even had a moment when I told my mum I may not be ready to give up food. Again, I had to check myself and looking /dressing how I want to, putting myself before food, being able to run around with my nephews and get on planes without being paranoid amongst other things greatly outweighed my love for the food that's been my destructive friend for so long. So I took the plunge and haven't looked back.. Well it's too late now but you know what I mean

. I've not felt hungry since the morning of my surgery and everyday I'm so happy seeing the scales and inches go down. I have had a lot of head hunger and funny food dreams but it's no big deal and I found it was more linked to the liquid stage. Now I'm on soft foods the head hunger has reduced tremendously and I don't enjoy food right now. I've been assured that it will pass and it will be a healthy enjoyment rather than extreme or a chore. But I am still healing so I'm taking everyday as it comes and I have no complaints other than the liquid iron which I hate.
I've had two mild dumping episodes, once with a laxative called lactulose and once yesterday on some low fat peanut butter. I got the shakes abit and got really hot and sweaty but was fine after I laid down and has made me more adamant to not slip back into old habits even though I've been following the rules.
I had a year to do research as I had my surgery done privately through the nhs and I literally became obsessed with getting information which I'm glad for as it made me well prepared. But beware of the horror stories out there and don't let them put u off if you do decide this is something you want to do.
I read so much about "hell week" and it being so painful the first week that I snapped at my nurse for there not being a morphine pump I could control myself when I woke up from surgery like I was promised.. Even though I wasn't actually in any pain and haven't been at all! Lol!
I would 100000% reccomend counselling and/or CBT.. I just started CBT and I love it, and counselling was fantastic. Then think about how good a friend food really has been to you. My outlook has drastically changed despite my head trying to mess with me sometimes but I know there's only good things left to come.
I'd do it all again in a heartbeat and I'm sure everyone else will agree no matter what stage they're at.
I wish you all the best and whatever you decide will be the best choice for you.
Good luck!!