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psychological test


New Member
How did people get on with this when going for funding on the nhs?
Was anyone worried they wouldn't get through because of the perception of this one assessment?
Yup, me and I had to agree to have cognitive therapy before they agreed to give me the op. I have my first session on the 10th May

Don't worry to much, because of a change of hospital i ended up having two of them and managed to pass both, if I can do it anyone can :)

Fading Grace said:
Yup, me and I had to agree to have cognitive therapy before they agreed to give me the op. I have my first session on the 10th May

Hi Grace, can you pinpoint a reason why you had to have cbt?
WobblyW said:
Hi Grace, can you pinpoint a reason why you had to have cbt?

Sorry Grace,
I realise this was crass of me to ask, although on a personal level I would be interested to know, I realise that you may not wish to air the reasons on a public forum. Please accept my apologies.

i was really worried about this part
but the psychologist i saw was really nice put me at ease straight away there wasnt any trick questions i just told her a bit about myself, and life, what problems i had day to day, how i felt emotionally, what worried me
just be honest and you will be fine
drylaw said:
i was really worried about this part
but the psychologist i saw was really nice put me at ease straight away there wasnt any trick questions i just told her a bit about myself, and life, what problems i had day to day, how i felt emotionally, what worried me
just be honest and you will be fine

Thank you, I know I have many hoops to jump though before I get even close, so I'm garthering info.
Sorry Grace,
I realise this was crass of me to ask, although on a personal level I would be interested to know, I realise that you may not wish to air the reasons on a public forum. Please accept my apologies.


Hi, sorry only just noticed this question. It's OK, I don't mind replying, I'm an open book ;)
I think they thought that I wouldn't be able to cope with any loose skin issues which is not true at all. Also, as I am a bit... :17729: well a lot of an emotional eater I think they was worried how I will cope in a situation that I would usually "eat away" so with that point, I think it will be good for me to go and see what they suggest.
Thanks Grace,
Both of those things are issues which I'm concerned about, at least concerned about them being concerned about them. Truthfully I would be amazed if everyone didn't have concerns about the skin thing.
The apology was because it could have been to do with something personal in which case I wouldn't want you to answer so publicly
Once again thank you for sharing it has been most helpful.