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Six Month Post Op
Hi all
Just another quickie to get some feedback, for about 2 years now I have had an intermittent pulsating swooshing noise in my ear, mostly in the evenings. It is relieved by tipping my head or applying pressure to the veins in my neck. My blood pressure is fine, always has been and all I am getting from my Dr is to have a hearing test.
It is driving me INSANE and all I can find that seems relevant is pulsatile tinnitus, just hoping someone may have some info to help me!

could it be ear wax ? as its a cause to hear your own pulse/heartbeat, you may just nead your ears syringed. try not to put your head in water as this could aggrivate it, ask the doc about this as it could just be simply wax and water as when washing hair it stops it getting better.

liz x
Hi Sassy, I would have suggested gettting bp checked but if thats ok maybe as Liz says it could be a build up of wax. Other than that I'm afraid I'm stumped. Good luck and I hope you get it sorted soon as it must be driving you mad. xx Gaynor xx

I had this over a period of around three weeks in 2007 and it drove me insane. I would lie in bed at night and all I could hear was the swooshing and a tap tap tapping sound that was regular and cyclical. I could count how many 'tap tap tap' sounds there would be before a pause then the next sound and so on.

I think it was wax. I went to my GP who could see nothing out of the ordinary in the outer ear. He did my BP which was within normal limits. I wondered if I had got water in my ear and it was trapped.

Anyway, it went.

I did wonder if it was an infection, but I didn't feel any pain or have any other symptoms.

I would go and see your GP to get it checked anyway.
sassy how annoying it must be. instead of having yr ears syringed find a beauty salon that does hopi ear candles they are a lot gentler and very effective. But very relaxing at the same time.
got to admit it does sound like tinnitus try leaving the radio on low at night so you have some background souns to divert yr attention from the swooshing.
fluid in the tube behind the ear drym can cause this yawning can help clear the fluid as far as i know there isnt anything they can do about it as it usually stops on its own
Hi Sassy, I had tinnitus in the way you described for about 10 years, had tests, tests and more tests. Nothing made any difference until I found a guy selling somesort of magnet therapy bangles - it was expensive - £60 but for some reason I took a chance and within a week I heard silence for the first time in many years. I occasionally still get the noises - eg after going to see a loud band or something but generally speaking I have no noises at all. Can't explain it though!
Hi Sassy

I have had the exact same problem as you since beg Dec. Am finaly going to go to the docs about it a weeks time.

I cannot get to sleep at night as it is so noisy. I normally relieve it by resting my head on my shoulder, but have just tried putting pressure on the veins as you said and that also worked.

It drives me mad as it sound just like the blood pumping round my head like when the docs listen to your heartbeat.

I dont think this is tinitus as that is more of a 'ringing' sound.

Please let me know how you get on as it is really disrupting my sleep.

Lauren x
Hi, I can totally relate to this problem. The only thing that would take it away for me was to really push down on the vein on my neck, it got to the stage that I couldn't hear what people were saying to me. I went to the doctors and he looked in my ears says they were not blocked, tested my BP and it was slightly higher than normal, he said even being slightly higher is enough to caus it. My weight was also mentioned...since iv started losing iv not had it and my BP normal now.

I really feel sorry for you, it is a horrible feeling. I have my fingers crossed for you that it goes away! :)
Hi I wanted to ask you about your tinnitus.

Hi quetiapina I have the exact problem you describe. I just went for an MRI. I was interested in the bangle idea if it works.

Hi Sassy, I had tinnitus in the way you described for about 10 years, had tests, tests and more tests. Nothing made any difference until I found a guy selling somesort of magnet therapy bangles - it was expensive - £60 but for some reason I took a chance and within a week I heard silence for the first time in many years. I occasionally still get the noises - eg after going to see a loud band or something but generally speaking I have no noises at all. Can't explain it though!
Hi Floriana, the bracelets are from Bio flow and can be found at www.simplymagnetic.com. Mine was called "Monet" and has a magnet on both ends of it. As I said - it cost more than I would usually spend, but I took a chance and I heard silence for the first time in years. It was lovely to hear! Hope it works for everyone in that way.