Thanks Julie, I agree 800 is low that is why I am scared to go onto mushies today I know I am going to eat more calories just for the simple fact I will be adding to my diet. I just cannot understand this gain
Hiya Bella
Because you are eating too fewer calories your body is holding and storing the fat because it goes into starvation mode , thats why the gain probably hun. Eating less isnt best , you have to find a happy medium for your body x x x
So if self control and low cal = a gain what is restriction going to do for me? Limit my eating, yes. Lower my calorie intake, yes. Isn't that supposed to be what will make me loose weight with the band?
Having a band isnt about lowering your calorific intake hun, its about eating smaller portions. x x
I know it may not seem a big deal 1lb but I think how am I supposed to loose weight then? What can I do? I kept up my fluids, only had soups and smoothies with an odd yogurt so what more could I have done?
Sounds to me your doing fab - you have lost weight since you started your journey and everyone gains a 1lbs or 2 from time to time its par for the course on this weight loss journey Bella - Please I know its easier said then done ( I been there) please try not to stress out so much , your very early days and try not to get yourself consumed with weighing ( do this once a week / month by the way) as your weight fluctuates so much during the week/month etc , ( esp if ur due your totm as well) x x
Now I am going on to mushies weetabix for breakfast, tuna for lunch and some mashed potatoe and turnip for dinner I fear the scales are just going to go up again next week

and I feel like I am letting everyone down. I am dreading telling my family I had a gain so soon after surgery, I feel like such a failure (I feel so foolish I am crying right now) I know the gastric band is not a miracle but for goodness sake what more did I have to give?
Sorry Julie for thinking out loud it is so sweet of you to encourage me and share your experience.
But arrrggghhhhhh!!! I feel like such a failure

I do not know what to do.