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question I hope people can answer.


New Member
Been on weight management for a year as requested. Dietitian now putting me forward for a band. She will fill forms in with Gp. How long do people wait for funding and how long before everything starts moving ie seeing surgeon, setting the date?
Sorry its a bit long
Em xx
Hi, welcome to the forum, each PCT is different, some expect you to apply for and wait to be approved for funding, others don't.
Each PCT has it's own criteria for WLS...l.so on and so on.
A good place to look is the BOSPA website as there's a pretty comprehensive list of what each PCT requires as its criteria.
Ask away on here, everyone is very kind and welcoming and there's bound to be someone who can answer your questions.
Good luck on your journey.
Em xxxxx
Sorry I forgot to mention, waiting time seems to depend on where you have your op.
Some people wait about 6 months, others upto 2 years.
Em xxxxx

I must have been really lucky, from being told my funding had been approved, although that was after an appeal, which my GP Did without telling me I had been turned down to having my bypass was only about 4 months. So it can be quite quick, even on the NHS.
