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New Member
Hi guys,

Im new to all this, completly fed up and tried everything, i recently started researching into wls and i have decided this is for me. Im going to my gp next week to see what he says but ive heard you cant get weight loss surgery via the nhs if you dont have amy health conditions such as diabetes etc, is this true?

I wasnt sure if it was the private clinic just saying that to get money out of me!

Any info would be helpful :)
Hi honey. No that's not true. But it's a complicated picture. All PCTs (Primary Care Trusts) have their own criteria for funding. They look at your BMI (body mass index) and other health issues, plus how many other ways of trying to lose weight you've tried, and for how long.
So it depends on how much you weigh, what else you've tried, what other conditions you have, and what your area will fund.
It's worth a try. You can always ring your local pct to find out what their criteria is.
I hope that helps.
Grace xxx
hi and welcome i have no health conditions and have been accept for my surgery but i think it depends on what the pct and nice recommendations are for your area i would go the drs and ask you've nothing to lose. I did first go to go private and they told me that i would have no chance of getting it donee on the nhs but i did so would defo give it a try x good luck
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Hi Nat and welcome to the site, as the other's say it depends where you are and the criteria set by the PCT. SO you have nothing to lose (except weight!) by asking your GP first. Good luck with your quest
Hi Nat
Firstly welcome you will always find support on here and its nice to have you on board. Can't say much more than already has been said all PCT'S are different. I was like Sarah and couldn't get funding so had to go private but Scotland can be very difficult anyway, in fact they are reviewing their funding criteria as they have finally realised there is a desperate need for wls. That said look up your local PCT and see what their criteria is for your area and take it from there. Come back to us and i'm sure someone will help point you to the next steps. What area are you in? x
Thanks for all the info thats a big help! Im in the sandwell area, ive checked on the NICE guidelines for my pct and i fit that so i guess its just if they have funding. Ive tried gym referall, weight clinic, orlastat amd other stuff like weight watchers, slim fast etc etc. My bmi is 40. I have a doctors appointment wednesday so fingers crossed! By reading on this forum it doesnt sound a simply process!

So glad i found this forum uve all been a big help :)
Hi Nat , i hope you get the funding , i got mine with no bother , i live i north yorkshire , i had no health problems but i know a lady who has asthma and weighs i stone less than i did and she has been refused so i think it can be hit a miss , Good luck hun xxxx
Hi Nat and welcome, are you in Sandwell Birmingham if so you will probably be refered to either Walsall manor or heartlands, there is a group called the Walsall massive in the meetings section, have a look in there as I no there are some people from the Sandwell area in there that could give you mOre information. There is also a support group in the area which is great as you get to meet people as well as them totally understanding what you are going through. Good luck with your journey it may be a long road but god it's so so worth it ;)
Hi Nat and :welcome: to WLS, by the sound of it you have a good chance of getting funding....if you fit the criteria for your PCT then its sounding good :D All the best and keep in touch and let us know how you get on :D XX
No Hun that's not true but you need a bmi over 40 I think. I had no co morbidities xx
Hi Nat, firstly get posting we need 50 posts off you so we can message you and you can do other stuff on here.

Right our lovely Lamornamiss is under Sandwell and visits Dr Labib at Russells Hall Hospital. MSB might be a little off when she says its WM or Heartlands, i think (Lamornamiss told me) that Sandwell are now also using Telford, maybe instead of WM now. Which is a good thing for you as Telfords list is nowhere like the one at the Manor....

When you go to your gp take all of your slimming world etc information with you if you can, also be sure to tell him of all your other tries to lose weight...

If you want to find me on facebook i'll put you onto lamornamiss who can also give you advice and suggestions, i am juliemills2003@yahoo.co.uk

Good luck xx
Im trying to post more! Getting there i want to see all the pics etc of how people are getting on. It makes me want to do this even more!

Oh thats great news, to be honest i really dont care where i have it done as long as i can get it done! Are the waiting lists really long? What happens when your gp refers you to the hospital?
I have everything ready written down to take to my gp i thought the more i can back my case maybe the more chance i will have!!

I will add you def, any info is a great help. :) x