Hi Wanna be,
I was done by Hospital Group almost 3 weeks ago and had the £7000 option which is to include 1 years aftercare and 4 fills.
the hospital staff were wonderful, but almost 3 weeks down the line I've heard nothing from them, not even a courtesy call to make sure I was ok after going home. I was told I'd be contacted within 5 working days of going home...I'm still waiting.
I was also told that I'd be in a room of my own...I had to share with another lady.
I used their car service to take me too & from hospital. On the way to Dolan Park, the driver, once he'd collected me informed me that we were then going to collect another lady in St Helens Merseyside...I live in Co Durham, so in all I was travelling nearly 5 hours

Fortunately, I did have the car to myself on the way home, otherwise I'd have been distraught having all that travelling post op :cry:
I'm still waiting to speak to a dietician and only have 1 week left before I move onto 'normal' food
up to now I've given them the benefit of the doubt, but if I don't hear from the dietician by Tuesday, I will be ringing them....and making a formal complaint about the promises they made and haven't kept.
sorry to sound so negative, but it's a lot of money...please choose carefully :raincloud: