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realistically what can you do 24hrs after band


New Member
Ive been reading different posts, re how things are going to be after my band on sunday. monday i will be returning home and am wondering realistically am i going to be able to have a shower and wash me hair lol,get up and down to answer the door 4 the kids, make their tea eg beans on toast, wash my daughters hair by wed, make cup a tea ect just normal bumming around stuff as im not telling my kids 13 and 8 about me op.
You'll be lucky if you feel like doing half of that, :) lol
You'll not be able to do a lot to be honest,I had my op on saturday,on sunday I was able to bath my kids but had to sit on a chair next to the bath to be able to do so,monday I pushed myself,bathed myself but couldn't wash my own hair,did some housework n hoovered etc but I really paid for that on tuesday as my stomach muscles were painful so I wouldn't recommend it,get as much help as possible as even the simpleist things like bending down is impossible xx
Obviously bypass is a little different, don't know if its the same for the band. But the anaesthetic is horrid stuff. I had my op on the monday and came home wednesday. I was sleepy most of the day and napped at least twice. I wasn't physically able to do much, and was lucky that my bf had the week off of uni. Once the anaesthesia passed I was a lot more able, but it really does knock you for six. I did shower on the Thursday and I was able to wash myself in the hospital. But slowly slowly grasshopper ;)
Also if your eight year old is anything like my daughter, beware the running hugs. My tummy was not particularly tender but I was pretty paranoid and we had to warn her not to rush me.
Ok lets break this all down for you....

From my experience...(as everyone is different to how they feel after surgery)...

  • wash me hair -Yes..be careful not to wash the dressings off...as they are meant to be covered for 4-7 days depending on what your hospital tells you.
  • get up and down to answer the door 4 the kids - This may hurt, as I know that the firs few days were painful to bend and move/straighten up from a chair -perhaps put the door on the latch if your inside for the kids, or get a spare key for the eldest one?
  • make their tea eg beans on toast - I found standing and moving slowly about was easier for me, as I wasnt sitting and crunching my belly where the Op was...see how you feel, if you can get someone to help for the first 1-3 days, it would be best as your meant to be healing.
  • wash my daughters hair by wed - Again if your bending, this may strain your scars/skin and therefore hurt....if you can wash her hair in the kitchen sink, as your standing up...it may be easier for you.
  • make cup a tea ect just normal bumming around stuff as im not telling my kids 13 and 8 about me op -You should be able to get up and make a drink for yourself....But I would re-consider perhaps telling the 13yr old, as she may spot your scars or see some problems in your bending etc....Unless you wanna say its all period pain stuff?

I came out of hospital yesterday and was able to slowly walk my dog, make my own soups and drinks and everything, but today has been a different matter! I have barely managed to get out of bed And have slept on and off all day! I did get up to the door a few times and made myself a milky coffee but that's it! I dont feel great for it though and will be having a shower shortly and maybe go out for a short walk. Getting up and down gives me the most pain, I'm alright when up or down just getting there hurts! I have to be careful my overenthusiastic puppy doesn't jump on me!
I swear by dry shampoo, you can get it in a can from superdrug. You wont need to wash your hair, its amazing x best of luck xx
I was banded a week ago was up and about felt great all night but when I got home the next day that was another thing.

I have a 7 and 11 year old they were told I was going to visit an old school friend for two days I came home and I had a really bad tummy bug and made sure at all times I was covered up touch wood they haven't yet seen my tummy. I bought lots of easy to cook food but still couldn't make anything and bending down has been hell. Can't your 13 year old help you? Only a handful of people know about mine and they Are mostly friends certainly not family!!! And I've already had critism and a mag brought round about bad banding! Grr its only today I have really done more. Hope all this helps as I don't want to put you off as it will be worth it in the end.

Yep I also had mine a week ago left hospital fine the following morning but the next two days were not good. Also had unexpected hernia repair which has really set me back. If you can get some help do. It really is worth it tho. I have been lucky and managed to get away with telling my family in law that I had a hernia repair, not really a lie just missed out the rest!!!! Good luck
I was able to walk about etc not doing anything too strenuous ( as told by my team not too) My children are a lot older then yours at the time ( 16 & 18) so I didnt have to do so much, and hubby did all the chores & cooking etc - Please take your time to heal or you could end up doing ur self some damage - Wishing you all the best Julie xx